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Everything posted by Sanchez

  1. This is a serious rp position. What a meme na but seriously I'm trying to give players something to do
  2. Because naval has an used janitor position that is never utilized sadly we may not do this for purely rp reasons so applications are closed and will never open
  3. It is done my lord http://imgur.com/a/5jWlsQ6
  4. It shall be done my lord
  5. Alright autist I will make memes for forum rep you up my post and a post from ccmonty and I will make you a meme of your choice just give me a topic and 5min
  6. Reeeeeeeeeeeee dont bump a post from almost a month ago
  7. Ok You should VOID this have a talk with him If you would like I will be there to talk with you both So you have a unbiased person present But try to talk with him you could really make some head way
  8. So you do realize that this is a RP server right someone in the 41st was removed cause he threatened RDM. I would say not giving someone access to docs that is YOUR BCMD is alot worse that would warrent removal fat -1 I still love you though
  9. Make the tryout chat easier to read
  10. Imma plus 1 my first interactions with exalted were terrible but he has come to love the server I believe and has really changed from being a minge I'd love to have him as a game helper in any of my events in the future Huge +1 Also CT6 is dead lol
  11. Name: TR 41st GC ARCO 2ndLt Sanchez Who helped (If applicable): (Bigben Elijah Stix staff) Nade shadowed if thats applicable Event Name: Ambush of the sith Summary of the story: After Darth maul takes control of death watch through brute force, he immediately sets his sights on the jedi order. He receives 3 Commando droids from the black market and sends them on a small vessel to attack the Venator and disable its weapons and scanners to allow a CIS Fleet to ambush the jedi temple and all those aboard the venator darth maul sets his sights on obi one. What was the result of the event?: The Deathwatch Escaped with the holocron they came for and many jedi died Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: role play at first then shoot em up
  12. @104th Spartan He didn't die of ligma he was allergic to water he just said that idk why but he did
  13. Sanchez

    Alfa | Baited

    +1 Let the event flow nice Actually let the players choose the direction
  14. hOLY FUCK nice eeeveen t +1
  15. If you have people calling out the BCMD that are in the battalion then there is a big problem +1
  16. -1 Because fuck you thats why no leave us JK +1
  17. Sanchez

    Hero Event server

    +1 I MEAN IWAS THERE @Hero
  18. Why should he be banned for a mistakee for 2 months from the forums
  19. YOU Put afk in your name after you l2AP WE then pulled you and waited for you what did you think was going to happen
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