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Everything posted by Flynn

  1. NOOOO My papi jagger! I will truly miss you, keep jaggering on - your Scottish son I SUGGEST YOU LISTEN TO THIS SONG WHILE READING THE POST IT WILL MAKE U WANT TO CRY.
  2. *cough* *spits out coffe* your wrong... i know who are actually are.
  3. +1 Joined RC with him and he has done amazing, i would love to seem him go up in the world.
  4. you wer my son when u first joined SC, i raised you my child... but you have fallen, today is a sad day
  5. you have been exposed but yet horny kids still fall for u
  6. come to Scotland my guy
  7. +1 if any1 else got this position i would kill my self because i dont trust any1 else for admiral
  8. @Billiam Clinton @Zander I would close this these lot r just going on
  9. Name: Flynn/Lighter/kit fisto SteamID:: STEAM_0:0:117966383 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Played ever since it came out.. im guessing around 800hours. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I have a whole load of experience with leading in and out of events, i think that the things i have learned in my time so far makes me a good leader. I have good chemistry with most the people i have ever lead strait off the bat. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: I completely understand Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I I want to do an event based around wookie cannibals. The group of wookies will come to the ship seeking help. they will call out in a comms device and the naval will let them land in a hanger. the wookies will look starving and weak (In RP) They will then pretend to be friendly and RPing as much as they can then further on, around 15 minutes after them landing on the ship, they will be speaking with the naval third floor then they will decide to attack the naval and eat them it will then raise to a defcon 3 sending all battalion to there battle stations, for the CG and Special battalion they will run to save the naval but by that time the wookies should be spread across the ship making mass mahem. Pretty much they will run around shoot and eat people until they are either contained or killed. The end can end up two ways, they all die or they get interrogated and then the interrogators will decide what to do with them. then it will lower defcons to defcon 6 after everything is blown over and De-brief will be called. THIS EVENT WILL NOT REQUIRE SPAWNING *The* Jobs that I need- A load of Wookies
  10. I got scared that u wer leaving my broda. never leave me gang gang. for the brother that has fallen i will sing i song. O flower of Scotland When will we see your like again That fought and died for Your wee bit hill and glen And stood against him Proud Edward's army And sent him homeward Tae think again The hills are bare now And autumn leaves lie thick and still O'er land that is lost now Which those so dearly held And stood against him Proud Edward's army And sent him homeward Tae think again Those days are passed now And in the past they must remain But we can still rise now And be the nation again That stood against him Proud Edward's army And sent him homeward Tae think again
  11. Ur not a master anymore!! u already left.. the og masters
  12. Dont leave! me and medic cant be the only og masters left! Anyway man best of luck
  13. @Dargon @Ginyu He made deese
  14. Can we get a doobs unit trooper!?
  15. Im GMT so this would be amazing! I would say an evening time like 6-7pm GMT which is 1-2pm in EST timezone
  16. fao what he said.. it just sounded funny..
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