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Everything posted by Heart

  1. I remember you. Ima need you to edit this post when you're not hammered though lol. Probably merely a goober though, +1 because we always give second chances for stuff worse than this
  2. Learn a new fuggin language because every time I try duolingo starts to harass me
  3. Welcome back to the team, Scribbles. //locked //moved to Gamemaster Applications > "Accepted"
  4. Heart

    Heart - Zoopets

    Name: Heart Who helped (If applicable): Elijah, Kronos Event Name: Zoopets Summary of the story: A couple of circus owners come upon the base, in hopes of trying to entertain a few customers, but was quickly hailed and told to either leave or keep the activity to a minimum. At one point, Chitnar (an animal whisperer)'s pets were killed, and in a fit of rage, brought an entire army of """pets""" to slaughter the troopers in revenge. What was the result of the event?: LinLin was killed, Chitnar was killed, the pigeons were killed, but everyone else lived. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mostly shootemup
  5. Heart


    8/10 Nice reference, just a bit hectic with the "color pl0x"
  6. Heart

    Silent's Ban Appeal

    The Appeal has been VOIDED by the author //locked //moved to Ban Appeals > "Denied"
  7. Heart

    Silent's Ban Appeal

    Here's your evidence of what you did. Dragon and I banned you, so it's an obvious -1 from us.
  8. Done, welcome back! //locked //moved to Completed LOAs
  9. could've atleast done your stats before you went jk ❤️ I remember when you were TRO with me, then I got removed and you were promoted
  10. Heart

    The Red Virus - Jags

    9/10 good spawning, nothing insane, long duration.
  11. Voided by Author //Locked //Moved to "Denied"
  12. Ah hell I'll bite, give me 10-15 minutes.
  13. Heart

    Dumb Rep

    Oh no I know there are people on the Forums. I mean in the Context of Feds, nobody is abusing him in terms of mass dumbing his posts. Probably should've been more clear on that.
  14. Heart

    Dumb Rep

    It's a reaction to when you say something dumb. I have not seen any abuse, if you're getting dumbed by a lot of people, then that's your problem. Reaction abuse is Dumbing/Negative every single post on a single post or Dumbing/Negative every single post on someone's profile If you're accused of being dumb, then to quote someone "stop being dumb 4Head"
  15. Heart

    Garfield kart

    You're not alone
  16. Bumping because potential/it's been a week and I think everyone has said what they must say.
  17. I believe that having Lighig and Tyzen as advisors will not make any negative influence. Just because I'm using them as guidance does not mean that they will be making the decisions for me. Saying that, I do not believe it is neither Tyzen's nor Lighig's fault the order is in the state that it is. It was not what they did, but what wasn't done (yet), and their experience will be invaluable to my time as Yoda. 'A great deal of influence' is an understatement, they are here as a way for me to get adjusted and to make sure I'm doing my job effectively, not to back-seat run the order. Enacting the improvements will not be a problem; we've discussed multiple things in the council that will help not only with the activity, but the inter-relations within the Order. As seen by recent actions, minginess and disrespect is far less tolerable. Padawans and Knights are slowly but surely becoming more interested in the RP scenarios that I and a few other masters have set forth. All that I'm missing now to fully "revive" the order is to get everybody involved, and to let time do its healing. There is only so much that I will do without making executive orders, because again, the council should approve of a change before its implemented, as that's the philosophy I believe in. I know you personally are not very fond of me holding leadership positions, and although I cannot pinpoint a reason why, you are entitled to your opinion without repercussion.
  18. I'm learning, but lets just say I almost vomit if I do it for longer than about a minute. and even then it's not that good
  19. Steam Name: [SR} Heart [HA] RP Name: Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43680174 Experience: I'll keep it to the important ones 212th Engineer Officer Cordis In the 212th, the ENGO position was my first leadership role. It helped me get acquainted with different people that have become some of my close friends. It allowed me to also have my first experience with roleplay and how to manage a branch within a battalion. Foxtrot 39 Lead Gregor As my first BCMD position, it was undoubtedly an eye opening experience. Although I did resign a few weeks early, it was due to the circumstance that The Order was in, and the responsibility that fell over me. As Gregor, I gained experience managing and being more serious. I reformed the squad to be much more respectable than what it was in previous terms and was not afraid to punish those that required it. Although some may say that I was inactive, the work that was being done in Jedi and Clone as well as staff was being balanced as equally as I could make it. The inactivity problem will be nonexistent with my resignation and my newfound dedication to helping The Order. -------Jedi------- Jedi Consular | Chief of Healers (Xin/Vokara Che) When I attained the rank of Knight, I joined the Consular branch and quickly was given a manager position. Through this, my first contributions to the order were made. The Consular branch was not in the greatest state, and was not extremely active. Although I can't be given all the credit for helping its activity, I definitely did as much work as I could to make sure the trials were consistently happening and that people who wanted to become Consulars could. After a few months, I was selected to become a Master, and my work continued from there. High Jedi General Adi Gallia | Consular Lead Adi Gallia was the first and only Jedi General position that I have held. Holding responsibilities of both Master, 91st Jedi General and Gregor at the time, it was definitely not easy. But I took it all with open arms, and persevered through my months of the positions, performing well among my peers within those months. As a Master, I held trials and helped newer players in both The Order and around the base/ship. I didn't do anything extremely outstanding within The Order, as most of my recognition came as being a Jedi General. In 91st, I helped ensure the battalion was alive, and that the morale was high. I put in as much work in helping the battalion as much as if I was in a Commander position. It is one of my greatest accomplishments and I can confidently say that my work was appreciated. The Consular Branch was in need of reform when I achieved Consular Lead. The biggest problem that we had was how difficult it was for my managers to host trials. I made some drastic changes to the trial, as well as appointed new 'high command' to make sure that everyone is actively contributing to the branch, and removing those who do not participate. Jedi Advisor Shaak TI Currently, I hold the position of Shaak Ti. Without a Yoda or Mace Windu, I am in charge of The Order. I have not made any drastic changes, but I do plan to make improvements on certain aspects of the order to try and encourage more people to get on their Jedi and, well, do stuff. A lot of the problems that people come to me with is that the majority of the Jedi Order does not want to get on their Jedi because it's merely "A trial simulator". I plan to encourage more RP scenarios and pushing for more people to switch to their Jedi for different reasons besides promotions. Why should you become Grand Master?: To put it straight forward: The Order is in need of a strong leader. I was entrusted to be the one to bring Jedi back to the state it was in the "golden age". Of course, I won't be doing this alone. I have the support of the High council, and will be using them not as a system that I run, but a system that I refer to when doing anything involving The Order. I have the support of experienced members of the community, such as Tyzen and Lighig, who will help me in adjusting to the changes of becoming Yoda. But most importantly, I will hopefully have the support of the community. I will constantly and consistently be referring back to these main sources of feedback and guidance to ensure that this term will not be wasted. I want to make sure that The Order and the high council are in agreement in what should be done. Because I want to make sure that any changes that take place, it's because the community has been wanting it, and not because I'm the highest rank and 'I believe what is best'. After all, we're run by the players, we should be for the players. Still, I'm not afraid to take initiative, and that although some changes may not please everyone, it will hopefully be in the best interest of future players/members. Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Before the Clone wars, Jedi were mainly peacekeepers who traveled the Galaxy and, essentially, functioned as law enforcement. They were planned to be soldiers, but instead preferred to be the role that they took at the time. However, Master Sifo Dyas foresaw a massive conflict, and begun the construction of the Clones on Kamino to create an army for the republic. Thus, begun the Clone Wars. The role of the Jedi shifted from only peacekeeping to a variety of things. Mainly, Jedi became Generals and Commanders, in charge of different battalions and sub-units, assisting in battle-strategy or even participating in the battles themselves. Since the Jedi got involved in the war, it is only natural that the Sith would get involved on the Separatist side. This caused many Jedi to die in combat, and made controversy on whether they have strayed too far from being peacekeepers. Still, the Jedi were probably the only way the Republic were able to succeed in the countless battles against the CIS. Availability: (In Eastern Standard Time) During Vacations/Weekends-- All the time. For a reference, usually 10:00am - 10:00pm During normal school schedule-- 2:30pm - 10:00pm Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: In no particular order: Head Admin Gamemaster Manager Chief of Healers & Consular Lead High Jedi General Shaak Ti Squad Lead of Foxtrot Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?: To put it simply, I want people to be enthusiastic to come on their Jedi, and willing to cooperate rather than doing everything independently. I want it to be more together and have the different members of The Order to function like a battalion because, as it is, we don't entirely feel the battalion-family vibe that dedicated battalion members get among themselves. Still, the relationship between battalions and Jedi should see improvement as well, with Jedi acting as Jedi should within battalions, and creating connections between new and unique personalities that each battalion brings. Finally, the attitude of The Order will be turned around, as the amount Jedi being arrested is unacceptable. With the inclusion of disciplinary team, I hope that the attitude and behavior is changed. For those who decide that they believe their Jedi is a throwaway job that they can use to break rules, they will be punished. There will be a stricter system of punishment within the Jedi, to the point where people shouldn't treat it as a role with no repercussions and it can become a respected position once again. How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?: The relations between branches will, hopefully, come together with the encouragement of more role play within The Order as they can utilize each other's strengths to perform duties and tasks that would most likely take place in the Star-wars universe. Although even slight rivalries will undoubtedly emerge, I want to hear that no branch is the worst or that no branch is 'dead', but that all the branches are sustained and all able to actively perform their specializations. Relations may also improve as we encourage Padawans to seek Knights or Masters to answer their questions and find out all the types of branches to discover which may fit them the best. A big change that a few have started talking about adding is a change to Knights/Padawan system to encourage more learning and interactivity between the two. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes
  20. COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 12/26/2018 Set up trials for the next week (Mace will do attendance during this time) Trial Schedule for the Week of 12/26/2018 Youngling EAST 12/27/18 - Wombat/Dolvek 10AM EST Youngling WEST 12/27/18 -SmallJeff/Wolfro 4PM EST Knight 12/28/18 - Wombat/SmallJeff 5PM EST Youngling 12/29/18 - Dolvek/Wolfro 4PM EST Knight 12/30/18 - Rogue /Clegane 3PM EST Youngling 12/31/18 - Kurama/Sixta 1PM EST Knight EAST 1/1/18 - Kurama / Mortred 1PM EST Knight WEST 1/1/18 - Mortred/Clegane 5PM EST Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO) Change how Masters go for Lore characters-- Add two more questions to the interview process. “Why would you like to be X? What will you do as X? Tell us a little lore about X.” - Heart - Passed Allow Padawan Tournaments to be non-combative. - Heart - Passes to public opinion Commander Reports (EO) Recommendations for Promotion/Demotion/Removal/Knight-Watch (EO) [REDACTED] - Scribbles / Mortred / Dolvek - Passes Aayla Secura to Jedi General - Scribbles - Passes Master/Branch Interviews Consular Lead : Open Named Master Promotions (EO) Tiplee: Open - Dolvek - Passes Obi-Wan Kenobi: Open Luminara Unduli: Sixta - Passes A'Sharad Hett: Open Wombat - Passes Eeth Koth: Open Alrigan Zay: Open Ki Adi Mundi: Open Adi Gallia: Open Quinlan Vos: Open Open Floor PTS (EO) Discussion about Saluting with jedi should not be an (AOS) - Wolfro
  21. Name: Heart Who helped (If applicable): Kurama, Prince, Jabaku Event Name: Prototype B3 Boxing Droid Summary of the story: Gume Saam received intel that there was a prototype weapon being created in an underground factory by the CIS. Upon entering, Dooku and Grievous were caught in the act, and quickly escaped. The Factory was cleared and the Prototype weapon was faulty, only being able to punch. The Scientist behind the creation of this droid was '''neutralized''' after '''pulling a gun''' on ST + Null. What was the result of the event?: The B3 got fucked, republic blew the SHIT out of that factory. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootemup
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