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Everything posted by Raiden

  1. +1, Joe is a good and mature guy. Would be a good addition to the staff team
  2. +1, Good guy and I believe he has potential to be a good staff member!
  3. +1 Very nice application, and would love to have events like the one stated, the average shoot em up events are getting boring
  4. Thats legit so obvious, who in their right mind who have more than one person have a job that only allows one person to use it at a time. That's just how you guys are running Ghost Company, that doesn't mean its a server rule or something that Ghost Company Leaders are required to be ARC trained. Who knows, maybe the next BCMD may change that requirement that all GCL have to be ARC trained, there's nothing stopping that possibility. But that doesn't mean it is an ARC job. That's just how you structure your battalion and the requirements for certain positions.
  5. -1, If you're trying to say the Ghost Company Commander is an ARC job and needs a westar just bc of the model it uses, then the same can be applied to the Torrent Company Commander job, it uses a similar ARC model as the 501st ARC job. Just because the model looks similar to an ARC trooper doesn't immediately mean its an ARC job. I'm pretty sure both jobs don't say they require ARC Training therefore it doesn't need a Westar added to the job.
  6. I think it may be because of your RAM or processor being over taxed. Try having task manager up when playing GMOD and check to see if you have something eating up your processor like for example multiple tabs open in Google Chrome. If that doesn't work maybe clear your add ons you have for GMOD, but I doubt that's the cause of your crashing and weird sounds you hear when tabbed out.
  7. +1, pretty good and simlpe event. I enjoyed the amount of action we got in MHB. Also I liked how there was rogue ARC included in the event.
  8. +1 simple shoot em up event, wasn't anything too crazy
  9. +1 Really simple and straightforward event. I enjoyed how it was a very small event and allowed for more things to be spawned and more pressure to try since it was a 1 life.
  10. +1 Great guy and has lots of potential for being a good staff member
  11. +1 Amazing event, now one of my most favorite events in a long time.
  12. +1, very simple and fun event
  13. +1 in my short time in the 501st, I've seen Quill prove himself as a great leader as I never saw Acorn around much. He definitely has the qualities to further improve the battalion based on what I've heard and seen in the 501st.
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