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Posts posted by Praydoh

  1. +1 on the ammo, needs to be more expensive though or have a limit on # of ammo
    -1 on CT being promotable by CT officers. Unless CTs has no rank transfer, I can see this easily abused especially when the aspects of being an officer involves managing, hosting, leading, organizing a battalion. CT is not a coherent battalion with an organization structured in docs nor do they have an actual purpose in regards to other battalions when compared to being attack, recon, specialized, etc focused. The only reason why a select few CTs are officers is because of the incredible work they have done in regards to training, teaching new CTs in regards to Star wars in general, the community and the server. But not because they managed a battalion, not because they hosted official host battalion training, not because they organized a battalion because it simply isn't a battalion. Unless 101st is getting re-added back, CTs should not ever be promoted in the conventional sense as they are first and foremost, not a battalion, therefore they do not fulfill the niche that other battalions fill, and that they do not truly act the definition of what an officer "does."                                           

  2. -1 I donated hundreds just to get the flamethrowers and other perm weapons. I've probably bought tac-inserts, sweps, VIP for over 30 people at this point. The flamethrower is meant to be wielded by a minority of people who have the means to do it. You don't see a kid with their parent's credit card doing it because frankly, what kind of parent would rationally allow them to donate at least $800 for an item on a Gmod server. People who bought it have earned it. Plus, a majority of the time that friendlies are set on fire are when they get too close, willingly or unwillingly or when they accidentally run into it while the person in question is setting an event job on fire. I don't recall an instance where a person with a flamethrower deliberately RDM or set mass groups of people on fire, do you? 

    • Agree 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Jacien said:

    Dude, that was a week ago, its been dealt with and its already over. There's no need to bring it back up. Besides, it was a mistake. You can pm people with similar steam names by accidentally putting one or two letters in the incorrect place.

    Yakory was a 41st Jedi at the time that he was PMed. Either way, Matra pm'ed two members of the 41st of his intent to apply for Gree

  4. Egg has been the anchor that held the 41st down for a while now. I'll admit that while some of us are at fault for what has recently occurred, especially with the harsh, reactive stance that we had taken in regards to battalion interactions, you are not the one to blame.  Sure many of us have been with you since Day 1, it is us not you that had lost the passion and love that we have for Star wars RP. This is a testament of you being our Gree for more than a year now despite the fact of you having a job, real life, taking LOAs to not burn yourself out of the game or simply having fun outside.

    Like all of us, Egg isn't a robot. He can't be there for all of us or all the time, and most of these accusations directed at him are often misconstrued or falsely given. In fact, I'd personally admit my fault in the role I've had in regards to the recent spike in drama and hostilities in regards to other Recon Battalions and general interactions. @Fizzik and @Doc, I'm sure you'd know that all of these drama had started not when Egg are around but rather with 41st Senior Officers. In fact, Egg has stated a multitude of times to stop repeatedly over the 41st discord to curb the minginess and drama going on. The several 3rd parties in our discords such as Palpatine @Max, Recon Reg @Rider and Yoda @Tyzen can attest to this. I'll admit, maybe for the others that have dedicated a considerable time into the battalion that we often act reflexively, deal with others in a draconian manner or we assume the worse of what others say that may seem "hostile" to us. 901ee8dfb92e1c71559255bf0d75c413.png

    I've been in the 41st for almost 3 years now and I've gone through the ranks 3 different times under different Commanders. But while each and every commanders hold the 41st interests in heart, the level at which @Egg has done so is on a whole new level. I'm sure this is already testament to the almost 2 years of being BCMD has shown to us already. I offered to pay for the Green Company models but he did so anyways.  So the problem in the 41st lies not in our BCMD but me and others that tries to act in the 41st interests, but also fails to recognize the position of others outside the battalion. This has lead to ostracize us to several people already and yet we've continued our arrogance and prideful demeanor. We pride ourselves in our ability to function in combat, especially during BvBs and other Battalion-oriented sims/events/etc. Hell, I'm sure everybody has also done it themselves whenever they've accomplished something but we in the 41st take it on a whole new level. It's like LE-Supreme ranks in CSGO acting salty and toxic whenever they're losing a game.(I can attest to this). Yet respect, courtesy and professionalism continues to exude me and several 41st Senior officers. Where our BCMD would get on whenever he can(usually does after work too), host a battalion sim, or simply be an active BCMD, I personally would be playing a different game altogether. The inactions and consequences of my position in the 41st has helped painted the picture depicting the entire battalion as what many others know it currently. I wholeheartedly acknowledge my position and responsibilities in the drama that's occurred between the 41st and 91st/Rancor, and I would accept any consequences befalling me. In fact, I'd prefer one as my time as a senior officer has lost me the one thing that drives most people in the community. Love and passion for Starwars RP and the community of Synergy. I'm certain that all the battalion feedback we've done, over 75% of them were of me being inactive or never seen. Especially by the newly enlisted whose impression of the battalion are most affected by the actions of the Senior officers. I fear that my actions over the recent months has influenced the mingy behavior some of our enlisted has learned from us. 
    Although I am not expecting this for both @Doc and @Fizzik to forgive me, I do however atone for my actions and ask that you do not portray Egg in the manner that I have reciprocated to you.  Therefore, I +1 Egg's app because of the reasons that I personally follow him, but also to shed some light on the darkness we've hung over ourselves and others. It is not Egg's fault that the 41st has come to this.

    • Winner 3
    • Friendly 3
  5. There's a reason why Egg has never went for Palpatine when he's already proven himself the dedication and passion that he has already shown to the battalion. He's content to make sure his boys can both enjoy themselves and fulfill their role in the battalion.  Sure, everybody has their ups and downs but you do not have the same  aptitude and knowledge in dealing with the 41st as the man who's been both the longest standing commander in Synergy, but the only commander of 41st here. 41st retains many of their officers that have over 1 year of activity within the battalion or more simply for that reason. We in the battalion could've moved forward, go for a position of higher power or leave for another battalion. Hell, I don't think we've ever had a senior officer from the 41st rank transfer out of the battalion in the entirety of Synergy history. In fact, Egg's been Gree since before the community division when Joah formed and molded Synergy. You have no idea of the machinations that run this battalion nor the people who keep it running. In fact, I don't believe you've ever had any major contact with any of us before you made this application. A simple talk and understanding of your reasoning would've been appreciative but when an unknown enters the equation, I will not accept this. Until you have shown a competent understanding or at least obtain a level of familiarity with us, I will -1 this. 

    • Agree 2
    • Disagree 1
  6. -1 sloppy event. 
    Rancor were not in charge of basic cadet training 
    CO as security forces? Just an excuse to legit RDM and go on a power trip

    Was creative, but was not thought out and extremely unorganized
    Plus, why was ooc restricted?

  7. -1

    Too tedious to implement especially with the differing time zones everyone has and availability. Even if this was implemented to incorporate everybody considered, this would take too long which by then, the inference of grades would have become obsolete. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Kates said:

    Tons of jobs are already dead though like Green Company got wiped out, and Echo is "dead", as well as Waxer

    We got wiped boys. Remove Green Company

    • Agree 3
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