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  1. What about the Cat Daddy @Sock Monkey :thonk:.
  2. -1. Chill out, lad. There's only one individual with a ranked CT role.
  3. +1. Delta Squad WYA. Hard to give people falsely-approved lore roles out of pity. Good on you, Sock, for making this report. Bad on the "protectorates" circumventing the chain of command necessary.
  4. +1. I've got a good feeling about this, having served in such desperate times back to back as a Clone Trooper.
  5. Previously, I served under Baron as a second lieutenant. He is by far the best candidate for this position, and I cannot stress enough how important he is to both the community and Special Operations. Judge by the character and his interactions on the server, not quite his applications.
  6. E x p e r i e n c e T r a n q u i l i t y.
  7. I never did make an introduction, but I did decide to make a farewell. I am resigning from all of my active roles on the server and cleansing myself of all responsibility I may currently have. As of right now, there are a combination of things that are preventing me from doing a proper job on the server: Lack of enjoyment for CWRP and parts of its community A busy full-time University school schedule with three labs Intent to apply for extra-curricular honor societies requiring service outside of typical activity hours Higher affinity for other games such as Overwatch and Path of Exile An odd sleep schedule that helps me succeed in real life. I would like to thank you all for making my time here special. It was an honor and a privelege to function by your side and be the best I could be, whether it was a CSM in the Galactic Marines, a Second-Lieutenant in Special Operations, a medic-marksman within Foxtrot, or even my limited time as a CG Medic and the time I spent fighting side by side with the server's one and only Colonel Sock. I have a lot of important shoutouts I would like to include, as well as some memorable friends I have made along the way: @Dream Thank you for introducing me to the Garry's Mod server. Nice hat, by the way, old friend. @Sock Monkey Thank you for the time you took to mentor me and mold me into the player and trainer I was at one point. You taught me a lot and served as an important role model for me until I was able to conduct myself and figure out my own path. I look forward to seeing you turn yourself into a TRM in the coming weeks, comrade. I will not forget the days we spent guarding the second floor lobby. @Jacien Thank you for the time you took as well, Jacien. Without you, I don't think I would have ever been able to serve the community as passionately as I did with my roleplay. You taught me everything I need to know about Engineering as well as some things about Star Wars, and the way the server conducted itself. The time you spent meant the world to me. @Esitt Thank you for so much. Thank you for answering my Trainer questions and helping me to become a fine Training Officer. Congratulations on all your promotions inclusive of the trainer program, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve my server as Jar Jar Binks. @Bazoo Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to serve under you. Though I disagree in parts to my removal, and the appointment of a new MDMK, I am glad to see Foxtrot in a better place with you as the SOBDE Regimental Commander. Best of luck to you in your endeavors. @[SR] Sanchez [SA] You were one of the most dedicated trainers I had ever met, and now you're a Training Officer. Do keep up the good work. I am excited to see the acts of fairness and well-being you and @Pythin create for the server. @vExalted I'm glad I convinced you to take part in the server, friend. I'm surprised you've taken up Naval, and that you enjoy the position so well - I did not think you were the type. I wish you the best of luck on your continuation of Roleplay adventures. @Pratt It was an honor serving under you, Jet. Best of luck with your gamemaster-ing and the leading of Special Operations. @Baron Similar to Sock, Dream, and Jacien, you helped turn me into the individual I am today. You served an imperative role to me within Special Operations, and without your training and ideology, I would not have become a trainer, much less, a member of Foxtrot and a Senator. An honor, old friend. Similar statements to Commander Bumblebee, though I cannot find his forum name. @Max Thank you for giving me my first taste as a senator, as well as hearing me out in my various concepts that I loved to bring up. Thank you for your service as Chancellor, and thank you for the training and the simulations and everything that was hosted. You made my time a very pleasurable one, though we did not know eachother too well. @Fours I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors as Boss. You've deserved it for a while, comrade. @Fizzik I wish I could tag all of RANCOR. Almost all of you fellows have been very kind to me. I enjoyed attending the ARC Selections and evaluating the players. @Panzergrenadier765 @Panzer Not sure which one of you is the real Panzer. Regardless, thank you for hearing me out during my time of need. Your confidence instilled in me greatness. @Turbine Good luck with your twitch streams. Do a great job out there at whatever you are currently pursuing. @Jorrdan Thank you for the artwork. Best of luck as well. @Red_Panda Always a pleasure working with you, Panda. Best of luck in your future duties - stay strong. I will still be around on the forums, listening to what people have to say, and I will still honor my position within the TTT staff for the time being, as it takes up very little of my time. Thank you, everyone - for being here, back to back, shredding the clankers. If you would like to stay in touch with me, you can find me here: https://discord.gg/ArrBBHq I hope I made your experience a beneficial one - I hope it was as fun for you, as it was for me. Thank you for the chance to be your teammate, your medic, and your friend. This is CT-2107 Vaal, signing off.
  8. This is an interesting idea. You should just keep in mind you make bonds with people, and that other individuals may have attachment to the game with the "families" they make within it. I understand where you're coming from, but it also seems like it is a bit unwarranted given the position Snadvich was in, and how long he had been within the Galactic Marines. Every situation is different as well, but I find your response enlightening. Edit: I also kind of agree with you @TrijiM. Perhaps it is important for people to start re-evaulating their GMod interactions as simply that - Gmod.
  9. @Post Scralone Are you so immature that you cannot remain civil when making a forum post? You need to realise that the constant rising up in ranks makes the Bacara application seem like a powerplay, regardless of what it truly is. Thus, people mentioning that he rose through the ranks too fast to truly serve the Galactic Marines makes a good amount of sense. You have absolutely no right to go through and tag the majority of people that left negative ones. Just because you feel Taytay deserves the position does NOT give you the right for you to attempt to degrade other peoples' opinions. Like what @Ryx was saying. You should not be calling people out on an application. This is Taytay's application. He deserves fair and warranted criticism from all sides, whether it be positive or negative, regardless of how critical it is or what is addressed. The final sayso exists not for the community, but instead the higher-ups interpreting the community's opinions. By commenting such erroneous and asinine ideas, you're tarnishing Taytay's application, the very thing you sought to "protect". What @Doc and @Sanchez said seem completely warranted. You shouldn't be quoting anyone here. Grow up.
  10. In one hand, Snadvich deserves to know how the battalion feels that he is doing. If he is unable to receive and re-purpose criticism of his actions into the creation of a better BCMD Bacara, he should not be in the position. In the same hand.. it should have been handled differently. During that entire conversation it felt as if it was his entire battalion versus him in the way that it was set up. Every one of his officers seemed to agree with what Taytay (unless I'm mistaken) had said. I have no doubt that it was overwhelming. But I also have no doubt that Snadvich may have, understandably, overreacted, hence at 9:00 he goes "good luck TayTay with your application". It was clear that he wanted to resign at this point. I do agree that it feels as if Snadvich was pressured to do this as his only option within the battalion. However, he still shows some characteristics of a good leader, making himself a confident rank within GM and still continuing to work on things as a Commander. Most of this is meant for a different thread. My point is: I do agree that Snadvich was pressured out of his position. I do believe, at the same time, the things brought up were brought up for good reason. I do believe that Snadvich overreacted by instantly resigning and not attempting to work with his officers (understandably so). It seems this is a very complicated situation - and it is a shame, like you said, Sanchez, that he is treated like that. As for the rest of the video, I feel like it is very scummy and completely undermined the severity of the situation. Individuals laughing in reference to the events that just transpired within the video shows complete lack of care for the battalion. A combination of immaturity and a generally-ill formed attitude will result in that. Pythin, I believe you're correct after watching this video.
  11. I actually got it from Pythin. I don't know how I feel about it.
  12. I didn't think about this. You're right. But at the same time, it might be best for the people who resigned due to pressure to speak up in some sort of thread. I don't know, really. It all just seems hard to execute.. but yes, please message me the video.
  13. Vaal

    Send help

    Hey Ike. Have you read up on your error? https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c04215601 I'm not sure what you can do to fix this. First thing I'd do is check that all the cables within your computer are connected and then I'd run diagnostic software to check if your RAM is operating correctly. ^^
  14. If this is as serious as you guys say it is, you should bring up specific examples and tag people so the community can get a better understanding. I encourage you to make this the post where everyone brings their issues to light and what they believed to have happened.
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