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Posts posted by Baelfire

  1. 1 hour ago, Connor2060 said:

     warts growing on his genitals. he had sexual intercourse with a wookie.  him being only 24 That not only hurt his feelings it went against everything our family stood for. No one in my family is aloud to be gay. It is against God, Commander Fox got his wittle feelings hurt

    I havn't laughed that hard in awhile lmao

    -1 for everything above lol. on a side note even playing this game mode is "Going against god"

  2. Don't get me wrong. I was very vocal about grey jedi getting removed this last time around but i think at this point with sith and jedi and the cluster fuck we got going now grey jedi just are not even worth it. They would literally have no place on a remove moon like this.

    • Agree 1
  3. -1. All it takes is one person to press a button in there. Its not like it takes the full regiment to press the button at one time. Just have a set station that rotates every so often like shock did back in the day. Quit being lazy.


    Again literally takes just one person to press the buttons to open the gates. Not the whole battalion, leaving the rest of base ops available to go do your RP and shit.

  4. +1 IF just him calling chambers a retard and so on was the cause. Cause worse shit happens on the server lol



    <Adding this on> 

    I mean tbh we are all human. Even I have had my fucking deet deet deet moments. I'd +1 for a shortening of the ban. not scrubbing the ban. 

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