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Posts posted by Baelfire

  1. +1. Has RL experience doing pretty much the same exact stuff. Also just reading the application itself you can tell he is quite competent. Also just because you personally don't know a individual is not a reason to -1 something. At least put in the effort to speak to him instead of just saying you don't know him.

  2. I mean tbh I dated a black girl. My parents are racist. They were surprisingly accepting of the relationship though. You never truly know how they will react until the situation comes up, I would say give it a shot.

  3. RP Name: Baelfire

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43025541

    VIP (Y/N):  yes but not on MRP

    Age: 26

    Timezone: -7 Arizona Time

    Tell us why you wish to be apart of the staff team(6 sentence minimum): I have always enjoyed helping people whether it be just answering questions or handling complaints. I would love the chance to help improve the community and to help keep it running smoothly. It is also something I have never done before. I have previously staffed for synergy on the MilitaryRP server. I ended up resigning due to just losing the will to train people non-stop. I have started to play at night mostly and I have noticed there is about 0 staff on besides mods which is normally busy bettering the server. Yall really need help and I can provide that help.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have been apart of several Military based clans. Ranging from 7thCav back in Arma2 and Americas Army game days. To C4G back when it was a serious arma 3 clan. I am a rather taciturn  person mainly because it is sort of painful for me when I talk but I am a serious person I don't really minge or act out even behind closed doors. You have to catch me on a really good day and maybe if I have had a beer or 2 for me to act a fool but that almost never happens. 

    Do you have any previous staff experience? Lot's of staffing experience ranging from Trial moderators all the way up to C.O.O in communities in Gmod, Arma 3, The Isle and some other small games.

    How long have you been playing on Synergy for? Since may of 2018

    Are you currently staff on any other server? No I am not

    Are you willing to sacrifice your playtime for the betterment of the server and its community? Of course. Yall really need it to lol

  4. -1 The other applicant is more fit for this position. Not saying you are not fit. But you have 0 experience with how SOBDE is ran (Trust me it is not "just a four man team" like everyone else who hasn't been SOBDE thinks) SOBDE in a whole should have first dibs to begin with before anyone else as this is a addition to SOBDE which is not the run of the mil battalion. I will also say I am -1'ing due to you just not following simple advice to get to know and become SOBDE before attempting to become a leader in it. I do not know if you are scared to lose your commander position or what, but effort goes a long way. 



    What you proceeded to do is join SOBDE channels, without asking for permission to join, repeatedly, and hanging out in our channels for seemingly no reason. While normally I wouldn't care, you didn't ask permission to join and abused your HA tag's join power.

    Another reason to -1.

  5. I will be upfront on this. When I was RUS BO Commander when I recruited you I was very unsure about having you in a position of power due to how you were on CWRP. I ended up making you my Kursant and you did amazing work for the battalion even though it was not around very long.  I found your attitude on the MRP server to be completely different then from how it was on CWRP. You pretty much changed how I viewed you from just being a toxic younger player to being a pretty solid officer. After seeing everything you have done for MP as well as BO I think you have more then proved yourself to be able to handle a commander role. 

    (also what do arrests from 3 months ago on another server have to do with anything)

    +1. Ex RUS BO Commander and Ex RUS MP XO Baelfire

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