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Everything posted by Extinzion

  1. I think my picture corrupted this is clearly me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  2. +1 got to lead with Anu & we adverted some commie shit like "NO RETREAT!". Got to fly. Over all action packed. R.I.P Billiam
  3. The ones that even has a chance on getting it are the ones that are handpicked by the higher ups since they don't want another meme unit they want someone that is competent to be Doom xP (specificly: strict)
  4. "SeriousRP" dissapointing CG....dissapointing
  5. I'm waiting for that Warthog picture ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. +1, got to fly & shoot down multiple hyena bombers. Why is this your last event?
  7. +1 He is the most dedicated member of 104th at the moment + he is a nice meme with that C9 logo. EU CS FTW!
  8. -1 If the other BCMD has promoted GOOD officers then the BCMD shouldn't have to be on everyday and if that is the case the BCMD would have anything to do on the server anyways. I have seen at least 1 101st officer on at all times & they've been hosting trainings for the lower ones & they seems to be able to hold up themselves. Unless a person from 101st makes this report I really don't see a reason to support it at this current stage. Wolfpack Pilot Captain Extinzion
  9. How have you been Captain for 2 weeks if your last dated promotion was from 11 days ago were you got LT?
  10. +1, A message to the dude above me (JBFox "Nice meme you have on your picture :^)
  11. +1, make CG/ST Great again :')
  12. We should have a schedule for the 2nd server so people can reserve times for stuff like Pilot training, ARC trainings, RC/Null Tryouts etc.
  13. @Autistic Brunodone, I'm just used with the dark theme because dark theme
  14. RP Name: TR Wolfpack ENG WO Extinzion Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5369771 Age: 16 (2000) Gender: Male Timezone: GMT +1 (Europe) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have been playing on Synergy ever since it was created and I have always wanted to become an administrator for a server to help them specially during in-active time-zones. I have been looking through a couple of communities to become staff in & his server is the one that I see is most fit for me because of how nice the staff team is compared to other communities. Since I am already a Trainer I would be able to white-list CCs without having to wait 30 minutes for an admin to become active & helping people with white-lists in general during EU times. My experience within these complete dead times has been not that great and I hate to feel that I can not do anything about it (minge, RDMs etc). To be honest I would not even mind helping people out of they get stuck. I have little to no experience when it comes to Garry's Mod Administrating but I have a lot of administrating experience from real life and other now in-active forums so with that being said I may not know how to use the tools at first but I know how to behave and I am patient when it comes to messy sits. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Marcus Norling, I am 16-years old & I live in Sweden with gaming all over the brain. I have been playing games since 2006 and my very first game was CS 1.6 which then developed to Call Of Duty 2 & so on. I play Handball as a goalkeeper & trying to make it into the Swedish CS:GO E-Sports seen with having E-Sport as a sport within my high school. I started out with Star Wars Role Playing late 2014 and haven not really stopped. The very FIRST CWRP server that I played on was going with the name of "Oblivion Gamers" after a few months that community died out & I was playing on a lot of other servers after that. Then I started to concentrate on SuperiorServers & joined the most hated battalion in that server The Coruscant Guards & now that are not really that hated within the community. I reached the rank of Colonel & then I was really burnt out after 10 months of constant playing on the server & decided to leave. After that I started playing on Icefuse & after a month all the rioting begun & I got banned for "creating drama" for resigning so I followed Joah & started to play on Synergy Servers. Since I am playing as a Goalkeeper I have learnt to be patient & calm during stressful situations so I do not get mad that easily. Do you have any previous staff experience? In Garry's mod No. In real life Yes.
  15. I was not there but I know that you are one of the best event makers in Synergy & I love the Clone Wars Episode. +1
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