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Everything posted by Extinzion

  1. The moment when someone just wants a little help and it goes to something completely unrelated
  2. Does anyone know why some people can't change their profile pictures or the cover photo because I have that problem and it is driving me nuts at this point because I'm not even this character anymore
  3. -1, You're a good Role-player but I your loyalty to a battalion in long term relations is blurry in my mind. +You just applied for for Taggart which strengthen my point 1 opinion of you.
  4. Oh no Probably one of the only people that I actually liked more as a friend other than just a guy that I'm stuck with (sorry Black AKA Wolffe), now I only have 2 people left that I don't want to see go away. I respect your resignation but I hope we can still do stuff outside of Gmod and maybe play other games! 104th Commander Boost/ExtinzionJKR http://steamcommunity.com/id/marcusxax12/
  5. Just ban it from chat just like you've done with "Execute Order 66" (Maybe not ban them the first time but mute them and give them a warning). +1 banning VIP deals in OOC -1 to outright banning people from trading IG credits for VIP.
  6. It's no fight without Sinker. Boost and Comet fighting side by side
  7. Neutral, even though I would like this to become a thing I don't think it can with the current state between the community and the pilot role. As I said when I was Warthog pilot is just a huge ass blur and people don't want it to be touched for some reason and deny all changes that could make it somewhat structured. A pilot battalion is not supposed to have a overwhelming amount of people in it, just enough to cover all active hours. BUT we just removed 2 battalion so I don't see how adding another one at this current time is logical.
  8. day/month/year is the way to go Have fun in America I sure had a hell of a lot of fun when I was there last time.
  9. All I could find as of now. Idk if you can see it in that picture but Boost has like 2 scars on his right side chin like claw scars
  10. +1, Boost & Sinker needs the same fix Comet's helmet paint is also in-accurate Sinker: https://gyazo.com/7b224b3887568ad6770ada3c84f0097f Boost: https://gyazo.com/8870b56fcf061f956dae5fc4adfe97a6 Comets helmet paint from SWCW: https://gyazo.com/34772587bd8c741f37289b2195e713b3
  11. SVERIGE! I learned German in school, a bit of Spanish and I'm going to learn Russian next year and of course, I already know Swedish and English. woop woop
  12. +1, sniped the shit out of a volture droid with the tank.
  13. When you are the one bullying him the most and you don't even get a tag FeelsBadMan. JK will miss you :*
  14. lol, that would be a cluster fuck
  15. Playing with mods is a lot more fun
  16. I didn't buy any DLC until literally 3 days ago due to if you play with friends that has them & they have them activated they automatically go over to you until you leave the multi player session ^^
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