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Forum Troll

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  1. Name: Arroyo Staff Rank: SA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): ROA Reason: I work everyday next week, this is a precautionary since I work 10 hour shifts and I wont know if I will be on. Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Yes
  2. -1 I dont want to get pinged by mystic every 2 seconds
  3. This is a perfect example on why this would cause too many issues instead of fixing it. CTs are just minges at the end of the day that will cause harm to others for the fun of it. In order to kill a CT you will just need to clip every kill to prove that person shot you first or you will be arrested, that is a major con. This is not the correct mindset to arrests on the server. If CG was to use “witnesses” then there will be a lot of false arrests happening which will be causing more issues. Like what I said previously if you don’t have evidence that this other person shot you, you will be arrested for RDM. The server use to have damage logs but was removed due to some back side stuff (I don’t know exact reason). I would rather have the troll keep trolling to get banned rather than arresting innocent people because they didn’t have evidence to support their claim. I would like to point out that witnesses would not also work because the amount of times we have caught people lying to save their friends, this is one reason that even staff don’t use witnesses for punishments. I can see all the issues arising in which what if a CT kills you and you respawn and kill them back. Or what if a 212th accidentally shot you in crossfire and now all of 501st and 212th are fighting each other because you killed their man. The cons outweigh the pros -1
  4. [ Quest Bug Template ] Name of Quest: Deep Meditation {AFK Jedi Quest] Evidence (if you can): N/A Description of the bug: Basically, you can run around the map far away from the circle and not fail the quest. Kind of defeats the purpose of afk Jedi. How can we recreate it: Start the quest > Head into the circle > Then you can run around the map while the quest is active.
  5. Bug Type (Server:): Clone Wars Command Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Low Evidence (if you can): https://gyazo.com/2c62304aa283300d3d63825c53eba31c : https://gyazo.com/9e4dcd9eb428d0cf6f98159b31dcc081 Description of the bug: Both Clone secure comms and bounty hunter comms are not working. The only one that works currently is jedi, the command shows up as "Unknown Command" when you attempt to use it. How can we recreate it: Head onto a clone job / bounty hunter job and attempt to use their secure comms.
  6. +1 Rohan was there when CG needed help and constantly was with us when we needed help. He interacted with us and created some fun moments. I have no issues with this man’s.
  7. +1 There will also have to be a command for staff to monitor the chats
  8. -1 Its really not needed, if they were to make a temple off planet then it would make sense
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