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  1. Name: Spurs Suggestion: Add a medic to Covert ops/change advanced trooper to be medic Implementation: Either adding a "covert ops medic" or adding a medkit to the advanced trooper/replacing the advanced trooper with a medic Lore: Covert ops doesn't have much lore Workshop content if applicable: Either the Covert ops advanced trooper model or the regular Covert Ops trooper model that are already on the server (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: either Job: Covert Ops Medic/Covert ops Advanced trooper Model: If changing/replacing- models/gonzo/clonecovertops/ccoarf/ccoarf.mdl if adding- models/gonzo/clonecovertops/ccotrooper/ccotrooper.mdl Weapons: med_kit tfa_swch_dc15a tfa_swch_dc15s tfa_swch_alphablaster Other: --------------- Covert ops Advanced Trooper is barely different from the regular trooper. The only difference between the advanced trooper and the regular Covert Ops Trooper is the Advanced trooper has higher pay and a different model. For being an "advanced" company we do not have lore characters or specializations. Covert Ops is supposed to be pretty independent but still has to rely on other battalions medics to survive.
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