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Posts posted by Hudson

  1. On 9/2/2018 at 11:24 AM, Nightmare The Latina Man said:

    I went through arc training and I know what it means to be in a real military! 

    hopefully  i will be the best recruit and rise up because of arc! thank you everyone at arc

    Legit everyones Selections speech.

    • Agree 1
    • Funny 2
  2. Steam Name:


    RP Name:

    RANCOR ARC Commander Colt

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder)


    Regiment you are applying for:




    • Green Company Commander for 41st Elite Corps- Green Company Commander Hudson was the early days of my time on the Clone Wars server. I was a Staff Sergeant when things began to get interesting. My commander (which at the time was Summit) granted me the position of Green Company commander. This was my first officer position. I held that position with the 41st for a long time and even came up with special systems of trying out clones for Green Company that was supposed to be a more elite subsidiary to that of the regular 41st Elite Corps. One of the great members that inspired many other members was Buckeye. Buckeye failed his first tryout but came back the second time stronger and wiser. The first battalion I joined was a defense battalion and I learned very much from my time there.
    • Shock Trooper Lieutenant Colonel Thire- I transferred over to Shock Troopers when I felt that the leadership of Summit was lacking. A great friend, but a  leader that needed some more time to figure out leadership. As Thire, I commanded many of the shock troopers in protecting many VIPs. We were the last line of defense for the naval. It was our job to set up shields in the right areas. It was my job to order them to stack up in the right areas. We worked many times protecting other VIPs as well so I am well acquainted with how VIP protection is handled. The leadership of this battalion was also lacking and so before I decided to move on to other opportunities, I did what I could to inspire hope in the members of the Shock Trooper battalion. The ST Commander at the time, who was not very active, and severely limited the abilities of his Executive Officers, was eventually replaced with his most active Executive Officer, and I found a new home.
    • 327th Star Corps Executive Officer (K Company Commander) Deviss- I have been in 327th as well. What a shocker. In fact I know all of the lore for the sole named character save for Bly. Deviss was my favorite role to play. I was Deviss in 2016 through the new year into 2017. I spent a LOT of time working with Tristan the Commander Bly of the time, and the rest of the friends I've come to know and love (in a totally platonic not gay way). We worked on building up the numbers of 327th quite a bit. Which we did, and at one point we had 20 or more players on the server at a given time. As I was working with the battalion to help teach them of the defensive siege tactics that 41st had shown me, and the hostage negotiation/VIP protection tactics that I learned in ST, we slowly became the Jack of All Trades battalion. Eventually, however, I became immersed in the staff team and became a Head Administrator for Icefuse Networks. I became more involved with the staff team and my Senior Commander role that I eventually had to part ways with the battalion in order to maintain a level work balance. 
    • Senior Commander Hudson- As a Senior Commander I lead many, many battles on and off the ship. This is when I really embraced the roleplaying part of the Star Wars RP game mode. I would give orders to different battalions and curse the foreign evil that had made its way on the ship. Negotiations, ransoms, money. All of these things became commonplace for me. I handled tough situations arguably better than most of the naval that lead in events. Regardless, we figured out these situations as a team. The naval and I were well acquainted for a good while, especially the Admiral Yularen at the time, Max.
    • Galactic Marines Medic Sergeant Hudson 
    • Special Operations Brigade Medical Lead Master Sergeant Hudson
    • 187th ARC Leader Executive Officer Hudson- I spent a good time with 187th where I did the most of my teaching. I learned a little as well. I started as a Private and made my way up to Staff Sergeant from there I became Captain and then a few days later, and Executive Officer. I was one of the most active members of the battalion besides the Commander, Reaper. We worked together on documents and rosters to make things work out a little easier. I even taught the folks in the battalion about some stuff from the MilitaryRP that I knew would work well with this RP since I was XO of Al Qaeda there. I taught breaching and clearing in close quarters day after day. We did it so often that eventually I had members teaching the new members how to breach and clear. In a sim against the 501st, it was the deciding factor on whether they won or lost. I was very proud to see that the tactics that I had introduced had made a positive impact on the battalion. Eventually I became ARC trained and I taught more and more members of the battalion about tactics that would help in the heat of battle. These tactics helped us until Joah's permanent ban.


    • 327th Battalion Commander Bly- This has been the most exhilarating parts of my time on each of these servers and because of it, I've grown into knowing the responsibilities of being a Commander and what they hold. I was a part of the best time on the server PERIOD. Everyone was happy and no one had much complaints in the way that things were headed. I prepared all of my documentation for the big move because I knew that I would need to start documenting quite a bit in order to get the BCMD role set for a fresh server. In the beginning, it was Tristan and I in the battalion both tasked with helping to start the server up and maintain recruits in the new battalion, since there were no transfers from Icefuse for the battalion. I spent hours every day in preparation creating the documents to start up as the BCMD when I wasn't even entirely certain that I was going to get the role. I had high hopes, and they lasted for quite some time, my battalion was very active and fun to be around, they were always persistent and many of the people that I fostered in that battalion have become leaders today in their own right and I am very proud of them.
    • Defense Regimental (Reggie) Hudson- This was before the change had happened when "Defense" was a thing and none of the buffs were active for the battalions. This was one of the most fun times that I have ever had on the server and also one of the most stressful, however I was able to overpower the stress, sing through it with friends and create evaluations for each of the battalions that were under my charge would have to do every other week. They were in the form of simulations and leadership ability tests, much like a light version of ARC Training. I would like to have the opportunity to refine what I did in the past and do it again, this time with a better outcome. One of the greatest parts of the role is the flexibility in the different battalions that you work with, and the different roles each of them play.
    • Jedi General Quinlan Vos (Tree Boy)- I was also a big part of the Jedi pre-KingDavid patch, I was at the time of Quinlan Vos, the Warriormaster of the Guardian branch, the Guardian branch at the time was undoubtedly the hardest branch to get into and my pupils were great duelists in the ring during Guardian Trials. I was often tasked with holding trials and taught the new trainers to initiate recruits. My lead, at the time was Mocaris who saw great potential for me to begin with, and I would have probably made a decent Guardian Lead if I had stayed in the branch.
    • Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti- As the Jedi Advisor, I was tasked with helping the RANCOR Battalion with a lot of their trainings. I was given documentation to aid in the training of ARC Troopers. I often helped in the Selections process and created some questions to ask the troopers from time to time. One night when an unusually large group of clones was complaining about the lack of ARC Trainings that they could go to I hosted all three of the training sessions for the troopers back to back until it was about 2:00AM. I sacrificed not much in the way of sleep, since I already had an energy drink making its way through my body and I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to. All things considered, this time that I spent with the troopers was enlightening, because I put on my German "Red Mom" voice that everyone got to know and either loved or hated altogether (I still miss it). I was eventually forced from my position due to disputes that I think were childish and frankly uncalled for, but hold no ill will towards to this day.
    • 212th Attack Battalion Specialist or Sergeant Hudson (Can't remember the exact rank)- I was only amongst the 212th for a short period of maybe a week or two, it was not the right fit for me.
    • RANCOR ARC Commander Colt- I have been in the RANCOR Battalion as a clone since July and have enjoyed my time as I have been balancing the schedule here with that of my job and internship. It has been a fun ride and I have met new characters as I go. The folks in this battalion have potential as leaders and I doubt that there is anything keeping them from being the most professional battalion that I have ever been in. They run a tight ship and every mile is another adventure..

    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I have had many experiences in a lot of what are now the Recon Battalions before and love the way they interact as a whole, they're the shadowy figures that make the experience interesting for all who join. Also in the past, I was a Regimental Commander for the Regiment that Recon was previously and I know most of the people in each of these battalions quite well.

    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    To say that is mostly an understatement. I have been in 3 of these 4 battalions before and I was studying most of the lore as I went through.


    My availability will now be more limited due to classes starting up again for my last year in college (party on) but I should be around most days between 3-6PM and 7-11PM if not longer on weekends and earlier some days due to class cancellations or earlier class endings. I will keep updates for all who need to contact me and meeting times would be furnished upon request.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    I was one of the few people who was tasked with starting a battalion from scratch in the beginning of the server and keeping a battalion together and active so that the server would stay up for a long time. I was also ARC Trained once on Icefuse and then another time on Synergy making me a super ARC Trooper or something like that. I've most of all imparted important trainings from each battalion that has widened my horizons on what training should involve throughout each time I've made a new one. 

    Do you have a microphone?:


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    I hope that each of the battalions that falls under my regiment.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    I plan to keep each of the battalions together by promoting RP between the regiment as well as include each of them in weekly tournaments to test their might.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    Yes, I agree to the terms and conditions.

    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

    See above answer.

  3. +1, to say the very least, he is one of the few people I'd want to be in a foxhole with in this server. He gets top 5 at very least. Excellent leader individual and one who has the drive to create policies for the battalion that I believe will better it in the long run.

  4. Well first off, I'd like to preface by saying that I hate both of them, however KSI's form is much better than Logan's. That being said, neither is great. Logan is completely wide open, not blocking his face for shit. If you threw any seasoned fighter in the ring, I guarantee you Logan would be straight up concussed. KSI however makes efforts to keep his stance fluid but closed off to Logan's throws. 

    So yes, if anyone was going to win based on form alone it would be the chav, not the fuckboy.

  5. Now, not knowing all of the background information and knowing only what I saw in the the event from my side of things, which was admittedly not much since I had so little to do with the RP, which in the event I thought that it was originally meant to be just a passive RP event. When I saw that there was player choice that prevented some other sort of engagement for the troops that were not taking part in RP I understood. I apologize for the comment made earlier about it, however I feel that if player choice shifted the focus, you should be prepared for that case.

    If it is passive RP, there should be a drive to engage the entirety of the active forces in the RP. Now that may sound difficult, but that's the challenge in making non-"shoot-em up" events. Again, I apologize for casting judgement before knowing the event side and the capabilities of the event team, however I still found that the inflexibility made it rough.

    Player choice is important, but I'd much rather have an engaging event for everyone first and foremost. Keep working at it, while it may not be your best work, there is never a magnum opus without first a few mistakes and opportunities to learn from.

    • Winner 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Joah said:

    Here's what I have to say in regards to this :).

    1.) Thank you for at least trying for staff

    2.) People are getting burnt in SWRP in general, However, we are trying our best to push people, ~ 3 months now. It's this way on literally every single SWRP server right now. Gmod is just getting old. It's hard to find the motivation, especially when everything is old. I personally am trying my best to push a very large update to refresh everyones cooldowns.

    3.) I agree that the performance needs an increase as I have already spoken to Jackson in regards to this and have hinted at a (staff wipe) multiple times to get rid of a lot of individuals that aren't doing anything. To keep the ones that are.




    1.) Giving up on us and then getting angry cause others aren't doing anything and going down swinging calling everyone isn't helping and is simply contributing to the ever-growing problem

    2.) Every server is currently having this exact same issue.


    ^ WE need individuals who want to fix it. However they end up leaving because they're players that are old and are burnt (like you and I)

    4.) I'm not focusing on fixing something that will die again with the same content. I'm aiming towards doing something that no other swrp server has actually done. Releasing a metric shit load of custom content

    1.) Actual New Map (Not copy pasted) 
    2.) Quest System
    3.) Custom Gamemode


    It's gonna take awhile, Please kill me.

    Was good to see you here, best of luck in the future.

    I see what you are saying Joah, and respectfully disagree as we have in the past. I'll say what I need to and I'll leave it at that, anything more would be petty fights and no one wants that.

    Secondly, I see where you're coming from in the aspect of the dying out of the SWRP genre as a whole and I can say only one thing. Ride that train till the end man, because it's coming to a stop soon. I can tell. 

    By updating the server with these new ideas (which I do like and will increase player retention for sure) you are fixing something that is dying, the SWRP genre. 

    I love the genre now, and I'll continue to play on, but for how much longer can you keep the player base entertained before they find a new game? 

    Again, I love and respect you dude (in a non-homo friendly football player ass slap kind of way), but I thought I'd voice my opinions since that's allowed here.

    Thank you for your input and your understanding Joah, and I hope to talk to you about things like this more often.

    Keep in touch,

    Hudson/Commander Colt

    • Friendly 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

    I love how its all the staff getting mad at him lol, I think he is completely right. quite often I need CCs white-listed or staff to pull TRs and when an event is going on I get nothing (of course some staff are running the event) still though I dont want the CC waiting around for even 5 min to be white-listed there should be immediate response time for new players especially. Staff lately have also been just slapping people with bans without looking into it and it has caused some issues. (A good amount of time staff do come, but we have enough to where it should be expected that they come every time)


    Lastly I've never actually played Icefuse and a lot of people are getting upset over the staff comment that was made so I cant really have an opinion. But you are all taking it with a grain of salt like he is completely wrong, but if he thinks that, how many other players on the server think the same... You cant disregard his opinion because you disagree, but instead prove him wrong and show we are the better staff team, a team that can take criticism without whining or getting upset about it.


    Take care Hudson.

    Thanks Monkey, hope I get to continue training with you mate.

    • Agree 1
  8. I'm at work right now and I just got a chance to look at my phone. I would like to clarify a few things.

    The Icefuse staff comment is talking about the staff that do the work (Head Admins and below) not the executive types, and our equivalent ranks.

    I would also like to restate that I have no problem with the New Admins or anyone Head Admin+ at all. It is specifically the group in between.

    But I would like to point out some things that I have seen flaws in. @Jackson @Arroyo and all the other people that stated similar things I would like to state this.

    You are making it seem like me leaving is making such a huge dent in those comments. But it takes far more than one man to solve the problems of the many. It needs to be a team effort. I see far more teamwork ability within my own battalion and would rather work in RP with them. 

    In closing I would like to quote a children's TV show that summarizes exactly what I've said here completely

    "What's gonna work? Teamwork!"

    Start working together instead of against.

    Take this as you will, but this is a call to action and a wake up call that will make more impact than I could do as a New Admin tbh. 

    All luck and power to you.

    -Hudson/Commander Colt

  9. Name: Hudson

    Steam ID:

    Staff Rank: New Admin

    Date: 8/4/18

    Reason for leaving: 

    *Warning, the following contains ranting*

    Flat out I'm leaving because the staff team's work ethic is utterly disgusting. I have never seen a more unmotivated and slow to react team anywhere. The other day while playing on other servers with other members of my battalion (because there aren't nearly enough events taking place to keep the base active) and that shitty RP server had more responsive staff. It took them half an hour to get us whitelisted and the staff wasn't even online then, even that's better than having a fuck ton of staff on and having not a SINGLE ONE take a ticket. It disgusts me to say the work ethic of the team at Icefuse was better motivated, because I left there to come here. 

    Take notes gentlemen, because you should be training your admins better, and motivating them, because honestly I think half of them think of it as a god damn badge they get to flaunt around like a parade float. 

    Fix your shit and maybe, maybe I'll come back.



    I'm not leaving the server outright just the staff team, but...

    @Joah I really hope that questing system that you are going to push out is going to increase retention in players, because it ain't happeneing with the gamemasters you have right now.

    @Jackson I appreciate the words on the staff discord about the staff team getting active, but is too little too late for me to be honest.

    @Medic Thanks for being the only high staff (besides Joah sometimes) that actually makes an effort to talk with me, it makes me feel like you and I are still equals and friends instead of some sort of peasant farmer.

    Chambers: Thanks for the staff interview, sorry it didn't work out.

    To all Admin-Vet Admins, step your game up. I'm disappointed.

    Yeah, that's it.

    • Agree 5
    • Disagree 3
    • Winner 3
  10. 21 minutes ago, FlameHazard said:

     (Btw, I think I remember you back like 8-9 months ago when I was like an enlisted rank and you were advertising to join your TS channel because you were singing? Idk.) -XO Hazard/Oddball 

    That time period sounds about right, seems like almost a year ago, but yes, back when I was a Regimental Commander.

  11. 3 minutes ago, meowthemeower said:

    I mean you did just get back idk who the heck you are iv been in rancor for a few days now and I hevent seen you maybe it’s a Timezone ishue could you tell us when you got back like today, did you just get back? The way this is heading it’s gonna be a -1 

    Hello, nice to meet you! I'm Hudson, you probably don't know who I am since I am an older member of the community. It's not a timezone issue, and yes I have just got back, but I also don't think it should be a problem personally, however I respect your opinion! Hope to see you around. 




    P.S. I am a member of RANCOR, just was in reserves for quite a while. Glad to be back!

  12. RP Name: RANCOR ARC HVY CMD Hudson

    Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:50951842

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 20

    Timezone: EDT

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have been a part of this community since it started, it's been a while since I've been here, but I've returned. Some of the greatest friends and staff members that I remember from Icefuse came here with me. I helped at the beginning of this server to build up a community within the community of friends in the first version of the 327th Star Corps. Many of those people are still in this community today. It's that whole community feeling that I started with that drew me back to the community once again. I realized that the part that I missed most was helping in the staff team. I had told myself that I would never be on a staff team ever again because I was belittled for not doing enough of my job when most of the job was being done by others to the point where I had nothing left to do. I would put in my all every day until I felt that my work wasn't appreciated by the staff team at that server. I got over that now, so I'm ready to start fresh on Synergy.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a musician, I play music and sing for the masses. I love memes, fishing, and Star Wars.  If you need to know more about me, feel free to ask me, I'm an open book.

    Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, Head Administration for Icefuse Networks Star Wars RP

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close): Well, since there was a recent server change-up, I believe that my hours have reset, but if many of you recall, I was here at the first stress tests of the server.  

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