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Everything posted by Centurion

  1. Does this mean Thorn will get an HP buff since we saw him take 5 blaster shots till he finally died? In all seriousness I'm not a huge fan of people getting extra health and armor just for their class. Sorry Cloud, -1 from me.
  2. @DexGunz I'm curious do I fall under this category you're describing. Cause if you think I am, I'd like to hear what you think I am doing wrong currently. When you say some people being higher positions than they should be, (you can Pm me this if you'd like) I'm actually curious on who you are referring to because the people in the positions they are in there for a reason. In fact I recently demoted a Major for simply disrespecting someone in TS, along with stripping them of their lore character position.
  3. @Square I mean, we're still waiting on the Rys Job suggestion. But no you're right in that regard. Which is why I'm ironing out a sub unit suggestion to make sure it can make sense you know? I don't wanna rush something and half ass it. Can't have things get done if you don't try.
  4. @Chambers In response to using arc as our Sub Unit. I personally don't view it as our sub unit. I mean if others do then I'd like to hear their input cause to us we just treat them as ARC's were. A Special unit in the G.A.R with special training. In the Coruscant Guard, they would more or less be the S.W.A.T team equivalent in a Police Force. And regards to making a suggestion about it, I'm waiting to see if I get Battalion Commander Fox in order to put out the suggestion. And also to iron out the suggestion for a sub unit in order to really make sure it makes sense, can be used within not only our battalion but to interact with the server, and to show appeal. Appreciate you putting in your input on this like many others are though. So I'll just thank everyone. Thanks All, you all are Incredibilies!
  5. @LensIt would be rude of me to not acknowledge Forseen constantly talking to me about stuff like this. He’s doing good things for CG.
  6. Hmm. If only I had the nards to speak up about this. While I won’t say this is entirely true that, “everyone hates CG” it really does feel like that sometimes. And here is a couple reasons why. 1) We enforce the rules and regulations of the server. Just like the police in real life, there’s always gonna be that majority of people who hate the police for what they do rather than like them. CG has always been a battalion that people hate/love at the flip of a switch. People love CG whenever it benefits them, however people hate us when it doesn’t or they’re the one in trouble. Yet people don’t seem to realize we don’t make the rules we just enforce them. We’re the scapegoats of the server, it’s just how it is unfortunately. 2) People see us as, “the ones getting us in trouble.” when we arrest people. Their superiors know almost immediately, due to the fact that most discord’s have an arrest bot now. And the people arrested worry that this will affect their position in their own battalion. Now I will admit some own up and say it was their fault for being stupid. However a good amount of people will shift the blame to CG for a “false”, “unjustified”, or “stupid” arrest cause they don’t wanna get in trouble. And I understand not wanting to get into trouble, to some people, including myself, their battalion is their family and don’t wanna be taken away from it. I cannot tell you how many times people have told, “I could lose this” or “I can be removed please false it.” which brings me to my third point. 3) People see us as “funsponges” I mean. What do you expect? I know it can be fun to break the rules, to mess around a little with buddies. But we’ve got these rules in place for a reason, and CG enforces these rules for a reason. This is a serious RP server. Yeah not everyone RPs in game 100% of the time. No ones perfect, not myself, not my CG, not anyone in any other battalion, not even the founders themselves. (Joah dumb this I dare you >:D ) However, if CG didn’t enforce these rules, or if the rules no longer existed. It wouldn’t be an RP server. You guys wanna kill your buddy? Start a duel. You wanna 1v3 some people in other battalions? Start up a sim. You wanna talk to people about certain topics? We’ve got TS for a reason. 4) People think CG are on the lookout to arrest anyone who slips up. Well yes we are to a certain degree. But we’re not looking at people actually trying to enjoy their time in the server, unless their annoying CG or mocking us which believe it or not is a occurrence. We keep lookouts for people who are potential minges because we don’t want them running into Debrief screaming the N word and ruining people’s experience on the server. Sure it’s funny to most, hell its funny to me, but I know some people will just be annoyed by it. We try to lookout and prevent these things because as much as CG is hated, we still do our job for the benefit of the rest of the server. 5) A lot of people don’t really know who CG works The only thing people really know about CG is that we arrest people. A good amount of individuals don’t know about the inner workings of CG or even how we have a code of conduct for our own guys. To my knowledge a majority of people think that CG can get away with things cause their CG, “who’s gonna arrest them?” Let me tell you this. I’ve AOSd myself for punching someone and he died in game. And it was 4 am for me. CG has arrested its own men for killing someone with the BATON. Yes the baton does around ten damage with the right click and has a chance to kill someone who is low health. People haven’t the slightest idea of how our own guys get into trouble cause they’re not perfect much like the rest of the server. Not a lot of people know our CoC so I guess I’ll state it hear for people to know who we operate our own battalion. 1) You are not above the law. Refusing to arrest a fellow CG will result in you being disciplined along side them. 2) Show respect to superiors and fellow brothers alike. 3) Show professionalism at all times even on OTHER whitelists 4) NEVER Baton Abuse. The baton is a tool, not a toy. 5) Never complain about position assignments or promotions 6) If you are to AFK on your CG whitelist, go into the back of brig and put AFK in your name. 1-4 of those rules if broken is a instant strike in our battalion no matter what. We hold our guys to high standards and we get in trouble as well. When it comes to AOS’s a lot of people once CG has filled out the AOS get into our faces and yell at us about it cause WE made the arrest. Not the person who filed the AOS, no CG gets yelled at for doing their job. And people don’t realize how often we investigate into arrests. Our thing for AOSs is, “Arrest First, investigate after.” And the reason for this is because if we arrest him, we have everyone in place to talk and investigate the situation in a quiet setting rather than 10-20 different people screaming in the CG’s face about what happened and how’s it BS he got AOSd. In this regard CG can truly identify whether the AOS/arrest was valid or false. If false, the person is released and the arrest is stripped from their record along with and explanation of the event to their superiors. However a lot of people don’t know this, and just think CG are like, “AOS?! MINE MINE MINE MINE.” It’s not like that at all. And I hope you can slightly see that now. Ive ranted on for long enough, when it comes to the whole updates situation, ngl doesn’t bother me too much however some love for our guys would be nice. I am currently talking to the directors (notably Forseen) for some kind of sub unit for CG. To anyone that knows me in game or in TS, (Executive Officer Thorn/Centurion/Doc[not the old one, not that legendary]/Judge) Id hope to say I can be a fun guy to hang around and talk to, and very understanding when it comes to arrests. If you need to talk about an arrest then I’m the guy to talk to I hope. However, people really need to get off CGs back. That’s all my friends. Stay Incredibilies.
  7. Scribbles. I don’t know what to say to you man. I understand your wanted to see what would happen if you prestiged but mate.....you of ALL staff should’ve known better. You’ve had previous offenses and all were forgiven. Yet you go back to doing it. I love you man, a great guy to talk to and an amazing GM. However I’m a man who’s goes by a 3 strike system. And I’m afraid you’re out of strikes. -1 for in game. +1 for TS.
  8. @Spaghetti Not anymore due to quarantine, got nothing better to do
  9. Steam Name: Centurion RP Name: Executive Officer Thorn Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80838153 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Coruscant Guard Battalion Commander Fox Experience: Synergy Roleplay: 327th PVT - SGT: I joined the 327th in my first few days of my Synergy lifespan. Serving under Wolfro, and a Bly that I cannot recall. During my time in the 327th before it was removed during Alfa’s time a Yularen, I was taught the importance of respect and obedience towards my superiors and towards the CG troopers who held the order of the Venator. Unfortunately, since my mental health was unstable, I had to resign and take a 6 month break from the server while I recovered. Coruscant Guard (1st Time) PVT - SFC: After my mental recovery I decided to jump back into Synergy in my Sophomore year of high school. At the current time, the Battalion Commander of the Coruscant Guard was Panzer. It was here where I learned the true ins and outs of the server. And also where I learned on how unfun the server can be sometimes. Keep in mind I was still considered mentally unstable at the time, so my first experience in CG, was not a pretty one. While I did not break any rules, or get arrested, I was quick to arrest people. While I did have a grip of the rules and guidelines of the server, I was still quick to anger and stress especially with the “Cutie” epidemic as we call it in CG if anyone knows what that is. This and the stresses of High School caused me to resign. Little did I know I would be back… Coruscant Guard (2nd Time) PVT - Major: Oh boy, where do I begin? Well, I’d say by this time I was fully recovered mentally, my issues were almost non existent and I was ready to come back to what I considered my family. At this time I had learned that Panzer’s term had ended and Repent went completely AWOL. Meaning Shakes had to step up and become Commander Fox. Under Shakes, I truly matured into the Coruscant Guard Trooper that I am. However, Shakes wasn’t the only one to guide me. Une, and Ratio. Two of my greatest role models on this server taught me great things. Shakes: I learned maturity, when to stand up for yourself and when to stand up for you fellow troopers. And also when to remain calm with others, not harming the reputation of myself and CG as a whole. Une: I learned organization, how to simplify things and make them easier for newer members of the battalion. Whether it be our Roster, Documents, Training. Organization was a strong factor for me for when I was Intel Deputy Director, Heavy Lead, Riot Lead, and a Senior Officer for CG. Ratio: I learned how to discipline. When to be strict, and when to be understanding, when to punish and when to teach. I also learned not to have favoritism, no matter who you are, even and especially myself, is under no circumstances safe from discipline whenever you were to mess up. And even though I learned so much during my time under these three in my two years of CG, I had to leave once again. Work and School were piling up and I had no time to really put effort into one of the things I cared so much about. But...once again, I came crawling back. Coruscant Guard (3rd Time) SGT - Executive Officer: What can I say? I love this Battalion too much to leave. After resigning as Major I was offered the rank of Sergeant when I returned. Working my way back to my previous spot and beyond that under the leadership of two more Fox’s which were Slump and Anderson. While Slump only got me to the rank of LTC, Anderson gave me the position I desired for so long. And taught me great things along the way. Slump: Taught me how to be friend, in and out of the battalion. He taught me the importance of building upstanding relationships with people other than just being seen as a hardass, especially in CG. Anderson: Taught me the importance of modernization. Moving away from the old things of the past and allowing new roots to take hold. Another thing that Anderson has taught me was the importance of Roleplay as a whole. With your own, and with other battalions. If you just do nothing but sit around at posts or patrol and make no attempt to actually roleplay in a roleplay server. The server will feel more like a job than anything else. Holo: I learned how to be a role model to the troopers beneath me, showing enlisted, officers, and even fellow Commanders how to be the best trooper they can be. I’ve spent a great deal of time in this battalion. And I wish to finally take the torch and lead it to being something great. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: These are a few reasons I feel I’d be fit for the job. 1. The amount of time I have dedicated myself to this battalion. In total to this day I would say I’ve spent a total of 4 years in CG, even with the breaks I’ve taken. 2. With all of the previous’ Fox’s knowledge at my disposal. I’ve already described to you what I’ve learned from all the Fox’s I’ve served under. And I will use that knowledge to lead my battalion and get us out of the rut we are currently in. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Within my 3 years of being a CG trooper, I have learned how the average CG trooper acts within a lore standpoint. And With CC-1010 or “Battalion Commander Fox” in my own words and explanation, was a highly decorated officer who did everything by the book. And was also the Clone that Palpatine had closest to him. Anything Palpatine needed done, most notably the elimination of ARC Trooper- 5555, or “Fives”, before the contingency orders were revealed to the jedi and the rest of the G.A.R., Fox was the one to get it done. However, Fox’s close ties to the Chancellor wouldn’t last him forever. After a grievous mistake in the aftermath of “Operation Knightfall”, which led CG troopers to fire upon Darth Vader, causing Vader to snap Fox’s neck with the Force for his incompetence. Availability: Sunday: 12 PM - 12 AM EST Monday: 12PM - 12 AM EST Tuesday: 12PM - 1 AM EST Wednesday: 12PM - 12 AM EST Thursday: 12 PM - 1 AM EST Friday: 12 PM - 12 AM EST Saturday: 12PM - 12AM EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 1037:34:47 Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: As much as it pains me to say this. CG is not in a great place at the current moment. We’re not in good standings with other battalions and I would like to change that by encouraging RP with other battalions and enforcing stronger discipline on CG troopers that get a little too big of egos due to them now holding a baton. And from what others have told me and what I’ve read, Superiority issues. I want my troopers to be respected, but I also want my troopers to show respect towards others as well. I also want to accumulate a stronger officer corps and stronger numbers within the server by showing veterans and new players alike that the Coruscant Guard Battalion is not just a bunch of hard headed assholes. But good people who can be extremely fun to hang around. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  10. @Holo Been a hell of a ride my friend. I'll try to get CG the best it can be.
  11. When you’re on LOA as well. Commander KnightVR is in charge
  12. Shot at some gonk droids that we’re on base. Made me yell at High Command...... +1
  13. Mister Kurt, one of my closest friends on the server. I've seen this man lead well in SO before it was merged with GM and continue to lead it well even in those times. Lead the Base Ops and Naval engineering branch with Bro, and ultimately is an extremely dedicated man to his role. He's hard times, and I'm sure his mistakes. I'm confident he will take good care of the Mechanized Regiment and make sure whatever isn't broke won't be fixed. And even if changes are made, I'm sure Kurt will be actively communicating with the BCMD's of the Mechanized Regiment, the Directors, The founders, and the rest of High Command to help keep this regiment thriving and respectable the way it is today. Overall, +1 mister gamer man SO Commander.
  14. Steam Name: Centurion RP Name: Coruscant Guard Commander Doc Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80838153 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Coruscant Guard Battalion Commander Fox Experience: Synergy Roleplay: 327th PVT-SGT: I joined the 327th in my first few days of my Synergy lifespan. Serving under Wolfro, and a Bly that I cannot recall. During my time in the 327th before it was removed during Alfa’s time a Yularen, I was taught the importance of respect and obedience towards my superiors and towards the CG troopers who held the order of the Venator. Unfortunately, since my mental health was unstable, I had to resign and take a 6 month break from the server while I recovered. Coruscant Guard (1st Time) PVT-SFC: After my mental recovery I decided to jump back into Synergy in my Sophomore year of high school. At the current time, the Battalion Commander of the Coruscant Guard was Panzer. It was here where I learned the true ins and outs of the server. And also where I learned on how unfun the server can be sometimes. Keep in mind I was still considered mentally unstable at the time, so my first experience in CG, was not a pretty one. While I did not break any rules, or get arrested, I was quick to arrest people. While I did have a grip of the rules and guidelines of the server, I was still quick to anger and stress especially with the “Cutie” epidemic as we call it in CG if anyone knows what that is. This and the stresses of High School caused me to resign. Little did I know I would be back… Coruscant Guard (2nd Time) PVT- Major: Oh boy, where do I begin? Well, I’d say by this time I was fully recovered mentally, my issues were almost non existent and I was ready to come back to what I considered my family. At this time I had learned that Panzer’s term had ended and Repent went completely AWOL. Meaning Shakes had to step up and become Commander Fox. Under Shakes, I truly matured into the Coruscant Guard Trooper that I am. However, Shakes wasn’t the only one to guide me. Une, and Ratio. Two of my greatest role models on this server taught me great things. Shakes: I learned maturity, when to stand up for yourself and when to stand up for you fellow troopers. And also when to remain calm with others, not harming the reputation of myself and CG as a whole. Une: I learned organization, how to simplify things and make them easier for newer members of the battalion. Whether it be our Roster, Documents, Training. Organization was a strong factor for me for when I was Intel Deputy Director, Heavy Lead, Riot Lead, and a Senior Officer for CG. Ratio: I learned how to discipline. When to be strict, and when to be understanding, when to punish and when to teach. I also learned not to have favoritism, no matter who you are, even and especially myself, is under no circumstances safe from discipline whenever you were to mess up. And even though I learned so much during my time under these three in my two years of CG, I had to leave once again. Work and School were piling up and I had no time to really put effort into one of the things I cared so much about. But...once again, I came crawling back. Coruscant Guard (3rd Time) SGT- Commander: What can I say? I love this Battalion too much to leave. After resigning as Major I was offered the rank of Sergeant when I returned. Working my way back to my previous spot and beyond that under the leadership of two more Fox’s which were Slump and Anderson. While Slump only got me to the rank of LTC, Anderson gave me the position I desired for so long. And taught me great things along the way. Slump: Taught me how to be friend, in and out of the battalion. He taught me the importance of building upstanding relationships with people other than just being seen as a hardass, especially in CG. Anderson: Taught me the importance of modernization. Moving away from the old things of the past and allowing new roots to take hold. Another thing that Anderson has taught me was the importance of Roleplay as a whole. With your own, and with other battalions. If you just do nothing but sit around at posts or patrol and make no attempt to actually roleplay in a roleplay server. The server will feel more like a job than anything else. I’ve spent a great deal of time in this battalion. And I wish to finally take the torch and lead it to being something great. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: These are a few reasons I feel I’d be fit for the job. 1. The amount of time I have dedicated myself to this battalion. In total to this day I would say I’ve spent a total of 3 years in CG, even with the breaks I’ve taken. 2. With all of the previous’ Fox’s knowledge at my disposal. I’ve already described to you what I’ve learned from all the Fox’s I’ve served under. And I will use that knowledge to lead my battalion and get us out of the rut we are currently in. 3. I personally don’t know how well I’m known on the server. Hell most of you looking at this app won’t probably even know who I am. However, that’s what I would like to change. I don’t just want to be known as a Fox. I want to be known as a great Fox. A daunting task that I am willing to attempt. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Within my 3 years of being a CG trooper, I have learned how the average CG trooper acts within a lore standpoint. And With CC-1010 or “Battalion Commander Fox” in my own words and explanation, was a highly decorated officer who did everything by the book. And was also the Clone that Palpatine had closest to him. Anything Palpatine needed done, most notably the elimination of ARC Trooper- 5555, or “Fives”, before the contingency orders were revealed to the jedi and the rest of the G.A.R., Fox was the one to get it done. However, Fox’s close ties to the Chancellor wouldn’t last him forever. After a grievous mistake in the aftermath of “Operation Knightfall”, which led CG troopers to fire upon Darth Vader, causing Vader to snap Fox’s neck with the Force for his incompetence. Availability: Sunday: 12 PM - 12 AM EST Monday: 9 PM - 12 AM EST Tuesday: 5 PM - 1 AM EST Wednesday: 7:30 PM - 12 AM EST Thursday: 5 PM - 1 AM EST Friday: 12 PM - 12 AM EST Saturday: 12PM - 12AM EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 972:25:20 Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: As much as it pains me to say this. CG is not in a great place at the current moment. We’re not in good standings with other battalions and I would like to change that by encouraging RP with other battalions and enforcing stronger discipline on CG troopers that get a little too big of egos due to them now holding a baton. And from what others have told me and what I’ve read, Superiority issues. I want my troopers to be respected, but I also want my troopers to show respect towards others as well. I also want to accumulate a stronger officer corps and stronger numbers within the server by showing veterans and new players alike that the Coruscant Guard Battalion is not just a bunch of hard headed assholes. But good people who can be extremely fun to hang around. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  15. No Oliver! We didn’t get to brutally interrogate someone!
  16. I’m not gonna lie, I have full faith you’ll do well in the position, so it’s a plus one from me. I’ve only had one minor hiccup with you in my time as CG. You’ll do well in the position and with answering Clank’s question about your plans I’m sure you’ll get 41st into one of the best. o7 +1 Gamer Man
  17. God damnit Hulu make up your mind +1
  18. +1 Love this man to death, does a great job leading his troops.
  19. Okay since everyone is putting their two cents in I guess I’ll put in mine. As a Commander in CG. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this Change. We’re a security Battalion. Meant to protect important VIPs, planets/ areas we are stationed. And it would make sense that the people that RUN the base. Would tell us what to do. Is that’s what’s happening? No. Admiral Yularen (Operations Regimental) will be over Fox yes. Will CG be answering directly to him? No. He’s our advisor as Crimson has said. If he orders us to say BCC or HMC cause it was breached, it would be done anyways, I don’t see an issue. We’re the bases security, WE have our own say in what we secure, and who we secure. You guys are saying we have to listen to base Ops, I disagree. We will be working CLOSELY with them, not answering to them. Besides, this happened in Lore. Admiral Tarkin gave orders to Fox that HE had to listen to. If Fox has to listen to another Admiral in Lore. Why can’t we listen to one on the server? This won’t change anything, in my personal opinion you guys are overreacting about something you THINK is bad when in reality you haven’t experienced it to even know it’s bad. Please, from one player to another that has been in CG for 3 years and Synergy for around 4. Stop complaining and just wait until you experience the change before voicing your dislike.
  20. Since Kessel Just Resigned, Commander Doc and Commander Thorn | Holo are in charge.
  21. Crimson, I've been by your side since the old days you were in Shock, even before you were a Spec Reg. And I've still been here when you came back. I know you have what it takes to lead Shock. +1
  22. My Brother, you will care for Shock, keep it the way we love. Even though you'll be another british Fox, I have a lot of faith in you to do the right things. +1
  23. o7 God damnit my boi ;-; I’m gonna miss you brother
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