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About jacob

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  1. not this jacob staff application
  2. RP Name: TR Dooms Unit SS 1SG Hunter Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:241909052 Age:13 Gender:Male Timezone:USA CST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I LOVE BEING a admin/moderator. i want to help people in need of assistance. i love synergy roleplay its the best star wars server ive been on and the only one ive been on. Iv'e been playing for awhile and the server is amazing to play on. if i become admin/moderator i could be a good help to everyone on the server help people get unstuck help people not kicked or banned from the server. I also want everyone to have a fun and not a bored day on on our amazing server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is jacob I'm a Twin i have two brothers named William and Jonathan. I play baseball and football a lot and i am in grade 8. I spend most of my time at school so if you dont see me in the morning im at school i'm always on everyday to make more friends. Do you have any previous staff experience? I've been admin twice on dark rp my goal is to help the server support it make friends on the server. I look forward to being a administrator/moderator if i'm accepted
  3. Dooms Unit SS 1SG Hunter I want to be a administrator so i can help the server with any problems or if anyone has a problem i love this server its the best star wars clone wars ive played yet i really want to support the server and everyone in it i can help with making a custume sim room and events i want everyone to have fun
  4. RP Name: TR 327th HVY SSG Jáckson Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41827907 Age:15 Gender:Male Timezone:usa CST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I LOVE BEING a admin/moderator. Its just so fun to bring joy to others trying starwars RP out. I love helping people and am very respectful to others. I as a person enjoy helping others and creating the best out of people. This for me is the best way I know how, its fun and it gives me an insite to the real world and how i need to grow and expand on my knowlage as a person. I am not the best of the best but i care about how people view the server today and want to make that look better overall. I am really exited to hopefully work with some of you and make SynergyRoleplay a well known name for the starwarsRP and gmod it self. In Conclution I care about the server and want to make it the best it can be with a strong player base. I Look forward to someday working with you guys an making the server the Best! Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Im a young guy. I love making new friends and bringing out the best of people. Administration is a great way to learn how to take a on a job IRL so I think its nice to get in practice now. I love having a great time with people aswell as improving RP for others. I hope I get accepted into the staff so I can share my dream with others. Thank you. Do you have any previous staff experience? I have extensive knowlage on ULX commands. I have served as a superadmin on 2 servers as well as 5 Admin roles. 8 Moderation roles. As well as 2 T-Mod roles. P.S. ----My Goal is to help support and grow the server, and this is the best way I know how! By getting into others situations and helping them find their way in the server. Thank you and I look forward to working with you (If im accepted lol).
  5. i want to join administrator cause i want to help people who need help im always active every day and i want to help i play baseball i love roleplay thats all i love on gmod my name is jacob ruddock i live in canada and this server is amazing rp everyone does a great job especially the admins thats why i want to be a administrator
  6. +1 that is the best application ive seen yet
  7. i really want to be administrator cause this server is awesome to play on and it has really good roleplay in it everyone does a good job and i would like to help people ineed of help so i could help them get better at the game or if their stuck i can help them get out of the situation
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