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Everything posted by Hood

  1. +1, from my time in SO you were almost always there to help either lead, adress concerns in the battalion, or just to be someone to talk to at the end of the day. I'm incredibly interested to see where it goes, good luck. Ex-SO Commander Hood
  2. Please VOID this, we've got confirmation from @Joahand @Zim that we're fine to arrest and use our batons VOID
  3. +1, if we keep getting told not to use them in certain situations, and told to in others, we might as well just use the handcuffs and call CG No point in this back and forth really TRO Senate Commando 1stLT Hood
  4. It's 4 days, 2 weeks is when you lose a named character
  5. o7, I love you my guy in a totally big gay way
  6. Just finished a call with him, he's no longer in SO as he admitted to it with @Ryx as my witness. Sorry to snipe this from you Head Admins, didn't think I'd get a confession
  7. It's part of the staff rules on the Synergy Roleplay Rules, it's literally addressed as well when they get the rank
  8. Apologizing is one thing, but it doesn't take a genius to know this is wrong on all levels Imaging how many others popped on, had this happen to them, and left to tell friends not to join because of what happened, or to come back later and minge in revenge. Not OK. The fact he hasn't responded here to apologize either is very telling @Johnsonson
  9. -1, we literally just removed 2 battalions, I see no point in adding another combat battalion, especially one that has near zero lore.
  10. +1 was real fun, those lightsabers are SUPER op tho, fun event
  11. +1, always massively helpful as a TR alone, yet when it comes to DU, I've always seen tremendous leadership and quick thinking on 4th floor where we're both stationed. I have ZERO doubts this will be a bad call, good luck my guy. -TRO SO SSL LTC Hood
  12. +1, in the few encounters I've had with him, they've always been incredibly professional, productive, and just straight up awesome. Amazing leader, good luck my guy. -TRO SO SSL LTC Hood
  13. Hood

    Battalion Tournament

    +1, thanks for running these boyos
  14. +1, you essentially run SO at the moment with Ryx, you've been a clear leader in my eyes, with revamping docs, tryouts for SS, you know pretty much every single member by name, by voice, their issues and their hopes. When an event happens you're always there to lead, or you hand off the reigns so that somebody else can learn the ropes and have their moment to shine I have ZERO doubt that you'll take this position lightly, hell even with all the traveling you did you still brought your laptop so you could hop on teamspeak and chat with us, 115 hours even with those? You're the man for the job, do us proud. -TRO Hood
  15. Hood

    Stix/Pythin's Event

    +1 did a ton of stuff, real fun
  16. +1 always a great guy when I've seen him, works hard
  17. Hood

    Taur - SO and 104th

    +1 Holy shit what a nuts event, love it
  18. Hood

    Ron's Staff Application

    +1, does a ton of work for SO, always running tryouts, know's his stuff Good lad
  19. +1, helped run SO, amazing guy, would do great
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