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Everything posted by Hood

  1. RP Name: TRO SO SSL 1stLT Hood Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:41179962 Age: 21 Gender: Male Timezone: EST (UTC−4:00) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The main reason I'd like to be a part of the staff team is generally to give back to the server that's taken up so much of my time, it makes sense to help give the same level of enjoyment to others that I felt coming here. Being a part of staff would also alleviate the issue of having to drag another staff member to do my work for me, such as pulling a TR to the TR room to train a CC and general CC whitelisting. It would also give me the chance to work my way up to the point of creating and hosting events, to bring a new point of view, a new creative outlook on how events run and operated. Being a part of staff gives me the chance to get to interact on a more personal one on one level with all the members on the server, it gives me a chance to help out there and sort out any issues. Staff also gives me access to help out my battalion more, when in the future I'm able to produce dupes and training exercises for them, as well as get to any whitelists after tryouts, or for specialized jobs. Going into staff just makes sense moving forward, let alone for the fact that it would immensely help with TRO, but also gives me the chance to move up to positions that could help maintain the server and provide more support to the players in need. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Not much I can say without giving too much away. I'm Canadian, living on my own with my girlfriend and our little cat Rover, both of us working from home. I manage a YouTube channel for a guy with around 8 million subscribers, managing his doc work, upload schedule and anything regarding the channel. I play games probably too much, I sleep too much, and tacos are clearly the best food known to man. Do you have any previous staff experience? In terms of any servers on Gmod no, but if we're talking online management then yes? I'd need to learn the ways around the staff tools because I've got a little idea of how it works but I'd need a walkthrough on all of the tools and such.
  2. -1, sorry my guy but there's two reasons. It's not very detailed, and you didn't even follow the format of the minimum required sentences. It's small, but if small things slip by, what else can on the forums if you get accepted, you know?
  3. Hood

    VIP Gamemasters Part 2

    +1, by the people, for the people. Interviews need to be zero leniency, but I can see a few people rise to the occasion and make this a great addition.
  4. +1 tons of fun, lots to shoot, killed a sith
  5. +1, tons of action, different from a lot of events recently, fun fun fun
  6. +1 He does a TON for SO, always active, always helpful. Plus he's real cute
  7. Hood

    Esitt's Naval Rescue

    No no don't get me wrong I had a lot of fun on the event, idea was really cool! But us as an attack battalion is a little wonky is all. Changing to +1, just a side note for the placement. ❤
  8. Hood

    Esitt's Naval Rescue

    +1 SO as an attack battalion? Otherwise the event was fun, odd placement for us though.
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