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Everything posted by Nap

  1. Wow ive never had such a heartfelt farewell in my life ;( 91st was fun but we all need to move on this was the only screen shot icould find
  2. So yea, i just happened to run across my screenshots. keep in mind for a lot of my time on icefuse i had not known how to screenshot, which is sad but i soon learned how and took amazing pictures. 212th i think around late march-early aprIl 2017, got to captain, then went to 91st around maybe november or october, got to 1stLT. i just left to 41st but heres hwat i got so far.
  3. wasnt billiam the first Senior AD Brigade CMD? neutral anyways
  4. Nap

    Gotens GM app

    +1 to my boi he knows the lores
  5. Nap

    Black's Found Senator

    We should settle this with a D I S S T R A C K
  6. no no i was joking chill lol but i still want that MC server tho
  7. Thats pretty ironic as you're playing sambe's minecraft server in the 212th bottom channels all day ...you know i had to do it to em
  8. YBN clan is now recruiting contact me or @Todd to join us
  9. Banned me from his discord so neutral until he unbans me
  10. someone bury him with all his ice on, bury him without the lights on
  11. #RAILRP IS THE ONLY WAY, pretty sure i still have screenshots of the riots
  12. bye kid i remember u were a 212th pvt for likw 2 days when u first joined when i was still stuck at senior officer of 212th ew bad times
  13. +1 FUCK THESE BRUHS TRYNA GET A NIBBA IN JAIL FOH NOTHENG. FUCKING FUFU HEADASS BUH. I wus jailed at least like 5 times cus i AFK'd on a railing in the lobby so bullshit
  14. Nap

    Happy's Staff App

    aYYYYYYY HAPPPYYYY +1 he is o good og member. i rmemebr when he joined, always had reccomemndations or something gud man. HERERS A GIF I COULDNT HFIND ANY THAT WERE RIGHT SO I JUST PUT THSI ONE
  15. Nap

    Apexx's Staff App

    +1 gud m a get him in staff team pelase
  16. Seriously dude i respect you for being able to leave this shit hole. once you join you can never go back esus
  17. shit i missed this but lilbroomstick u were the only 212th i rly liked
  18. "You don't deserve 2ndLT" -peacock the rest was history, naval couldn't hide you forever. peace, but lets be honest support > recon and chokoshi was a better recon leader. AHAHAHAHAHHAH
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