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Everything posted by Nap

  1. I have not seen something so beautiful in my life. All my fellow hoodlums have been capped multiple times, we need more awareness for these things. Free my acquaintance Tay-K 47.
  2. Rocket league? ive got it for ps4... but u shoould have typed this xdddddd
  3. i feel like someone else should fill the role then
  4. fister is my boy +111111
  5. trust me, i know recon like my back hand so just shoot me a ping when we start this it'll be worth it - Former 212th ARF Commander / Advanced Recon Commando Sergeant Nap
  6. oh shit peace out dood
  7. +1 i believe you can do well
  8. Im gonna ahead and take credit for that document to revive the battalion but its not like i quit right
  9. @Slackare you involved in the battalion's infastructure ?? [not meant to be passive agressive, i didnt know if u where or not im not too familiar rn]
  10. alan my boy you are on the server fo mor then 2 hours. u activ asf i love u +1
  11. oh yea im gonna be quite frank with you that my 2 months as a captain was the most dreadful time in this server.
  12. +1 Mamba just let go we need a new wave of 212th. thats why most of us quit. also im just saying if ur not in the battalion, you will barely understand any of htis. Im putting trust that im pretty sure if we let new 212th take over the battalion they will do better than old burnt out members
  13. i agree that this stuff is internal. and putting the internal stuff out there makes us look bad
  14. Ok most of you who arent in the battalion wouldnt understand most of these points, but that inactivity shit is just not true. there are some problems and lots of us are trying to fix it, we are holding tryouts when we get on all the time. -1 shovel
  15. +1 but tbh suicideboys and x are edgy asf dude its hurtin me
  16. chicken i remember when you joined ARF you acted very mature and u are a cool guy it was great having you back in 212th +1
  17. Nap

    Ryx Staff Application

    he did leave me hangin but i guess ill give you a +1 for having the most potential ive seen in a while. wish he couldve served me longer, did a good job....
  18. yea so basically we didnt switch it we just typo'd it. the holocron thing was totally random made by freck idfk... but the data and weapon thing was just a combined thing. they had stolen the cis superweapon and its data TOGETHER
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