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Everything posted by Nap

  1. hello everyone i am nap i like making friends and long walks on the beach and also skylanders
  2. Nap

    Nap's Ban Appeal

    Thank you guys. Now that I understand and recall what happened, I believe it was an immature incident and I can admit to that. I did tell people to check out my server, and Jackson was only doing his job by taking those reports and sticking to the rules, so I respect it a lot. It's funny reading back on this too because it feels so weird looking back on that time period and that server. Nevertheless, the server has been down for a long ass time. I've been gone for a long ass time. I don't play on returning to the my computer for good. But out of pure fun I want to play as an enlisted, and I think unbanning me would be harmless and that a permanent ban doesn't suit the occasion for me right now. That's all I think I should say from here on out. Thank you guys again.
  3. Nap

    Nap's Ban Appeal

    being completely honest, i don't remember what email or username was used. definitely something along the lines of Nap, i use that name for all my accounts, if that helps at all. thanks
  4. Nap

    Nap's Ban Appeal

    Name:Nap Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126358607 Ban Reason: "community ban" Date of Ban: No idea prob more than a year or two ago Length of Ban: permanent Staff Member(s) Involved: No clue Reason(s) why we should accept your appeal: 1st. I have absolutely no clue why I'm banned. I just logged in to see some old friends and i was permanently banned and unable to join them. I've been banned when i used to play back in 2017/2018, but theyve always been lifted. Its only happened maybe twice because of some drama that happened between my battalion in november 2017 between me, a few fellow officers and the commander blackmamba. My bans have since been lifted but now I'm community banned? Maybe I was on some ban list or something? No clue. Evidence to support your claims: not sure what evidence to use but ask and ill find
  5. Nap

    Naps ts ban appeal

    You can't trust biased opinions. I know someone who was in that channel who can vouch for my actions. I don't want to makes this go too far, but I feel like neither me nor you should have an opinion in this case. We need the community to hear this out, we need the community to decide what goes on. It will just become a flame war if we keep doing this and it will go no where. Now, to be progressive, let's not make biased vouches and let this be. Sounds good?
  6. Nap

    Naps ts ban appeal

    Oh, who said that? I don't really talk to anyone about neptune, im actually banned from neptune. If it's any of your lower troopers, no offense but i dont think i would have wanted them in that server. lmfao. so no, i never really had intentions of baiting anyone, nor did I. nor do i know how the fuck they know about my old server. But im banned from there.
  7. Nap

    Naps ts ban appeal

    i didnt play soundboards, and i only said the N-Word once when we were memeing, no hard R either. I joined and left so I can talk to comics. I saw all the shit you said in your discord so dont even lie to me, lmao. i know im targeted by the 212th but i play on the server for 41st. i want to play. but i cant
  8. Nap

    Naps ts ban appeal

    Did you forget i included "you shouldnt switch over, you should keep being Cody on a big server". When I told you this, I had no intention of making you switch over. I wanted you to "Check it out" I never say "come over and play"
  9. Nap

    Naps ts ban appeal

    RP Name: 41st EC JT PFC Nap Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:126358607 Date of Ban: 4/28 Length of Ban: permanent Offense: Advertising Banned By: Frek Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: It's an obvious scapegoat. I've been pretty much targeted for a long time now and people want reasons to ban me, so be it, they be on my ass. From what @Comics told me, this dude Cblake wanted to get me banned for reasons that are unknown. Maybe he had a bad day for all I know, I understand, but his motives seem unclear besides the fact that he simply doesn't like me. I've been really casual and chill with him but he's sort of a stiff arm. Maybe he took offense if I ever told him "Remember that time I saved you from being demoted when you were a CSM for inactivity?". But that's all I can think of. He's a weird fellow, doesn't talk much, so he needed a scapegoat. He knows I made my own server that I don't even work on anymore, I resigned from it. He knows this because I talked to him 1 on 1 when I was bored to see if he'd move anywhere from his stiff arm state from me. I'm like "How's Synergy" and he's like "good good" I'm liked "Yea I was thinking about coming back but nah, I made my own server." and he says "K cool". Next thing you know, I say "Have you seen it before?" and he's like "Nah dont rly care" and after that god knows what happened. I probably got kicked again or something. But that happened a couple weeks ago, I never advertised. Those were the only times I've mentioned my former server, besides when I was in OOC talking about lag. The only instance i ever said it was "Yea, my server Neptune added WiltOS and now my game is lagging a shit ton". Don't think I was ever advertising. Even Joah was on when I said that, he was talking in OOC with us, so I think if I was banned for that, it would have happened on the spot. Honestly, I've handled the targeting for a while i dont really care but I go on this teamspeak to catch up with friends all the time and I'm in the 41st. Seems extremely petty, nor did I have any evidence shown to me saying "this is when you advertised." I asked this Freck dude and he's like "uhhhhhhhh you ban" and bans me. Don't even play on that server anymore, and I'm jsut being banned now? Why would I advertise a server I don't even play on as of recent? Idfk. Evidence to support your claims:
  10. Jagger, Shockpoint and the god Nap*
  11. -1 literally ive only heard bad shit so far bro.
  12. @TayTay bro. welcome to the club <3
  13. @Comicsfucking finally now get back on your knees bitch
  14. RP Name: Clone Trooper Private Nap Steam ID: not needed its more TS Date of Ban: 3/8/18/sometime a couple more mounths ago Length of Ban: 1 hour/permanent Offense: being nap Banned By: Blackmamba/jackson Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Well i need to start by explaining so basically im nap and snake 212th like i just pulled some gang shit on them and they ban me and todd from their TS for what was supposed to be a brief period of time. usually ill like chill in the bottom channels with marx todd spectre and some old friends cus we old 212th and then ill get abused for a bit and that was it. but its like a whole new level. i never even fuck with the 212th anymore. dont touch them AT ALL. all i do is chill and want to talk and i poke them i just want to talk you turds with my boys and they like nah. todd got unbanned from their TS but i politely asked as well and am still banned. i use their channels as like a gang house to chill with my gang and chill with them if they want and dont touch them but their cunts and pull up and gang bang all of us. usually todd and spectre get like kicked but i get mega kicked from the server like a kick right in my booty hole. we come back, just explain to them to chill we wont do anything to them and we gon chill and shit and they could chill with us cus we all old 212th and they like a bunch of babies like "WAHHHHH IM TELLING ON YOU" like the little tattle tales they are and tell their mommy called ATK reg jackson to ban me for a bit. im tired of being abused we will start protests if this is not treated LIKE DEADASS TEAMSPEAK WILL TURN INTO FUCKING WEST VIRGINIA MY GUY WE RIOT THE SHIT WE ON STRIKE KNOW WHAT AM SAYING but like forreal i am asking to be unbanned from 212th TS mostly and then i can wait out the synergy TS ban but it would be nice if i also get unbanned Evidence to support your claims: ok i mean evidence is pretty obvious if you havent been anywhere near the attack regiment channels you prob wouldnt know ADD ON NOTE: Compensation is required btw. I accept bitcoins, dripcoins, south sudanese currency as well. I take guns and bullets as i need to supply my south sudanese rebellion so Koval please talk to me and we will work out the compensations LY babe
  15. suck my peepee Lebron is better than jordan bud
  16. I am unbanned but i still require compensation. I only accept bitcoin, dripcoin and 24 karat gold. I also take Sudanese Currency if possible.
  17. HOW TO POST A BAN APPEAL: RP Name: Clone Trooper Private Nap Steam ID: not needed its a TS ban Date of Ban: 3/3/18 Length of Ban: 10 long minutes Offense: Description: Take a minute to think about this. That's what he said. He said A MINUTE, not TEN MINUTES. Consuela went into a 212th TS channel that she was banned from because some bullshit reasons because 212th was being the super gay and wouldnt unban me from their TS channels. I don;t even do anything to them. I literally fucking go in the 2ndAC channel to talk to some old retired buds. All of the sudden this asshole starts kicking me from the servers and then this ATK reg jackson dude comes in and tells me to go to gaming room and abruptly kicks me from the server which didnt even give me the chance to GO TO THE GAMING ROOM! So consuela come back and she say "already buddies lets go to gaming channel" and i was yet again abruptly banned. RIP Consuela. I literally said i wasn't nap they still ban me. Banned By: atk reg jackson Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Unban me, or compensate with some bitcoin Evidence to support your claims: banned so i cant get the logs 1
  18. Yea so I’m on my phone now and I stopped playing in this community maybe over a month ago, but now I’m a CT PVT all over again, so I guess u can say started from the bottom now we’re still here. I guess I’ll start off the first half with a some words cus honestly I don’t wanna fucking type all of this on my phone. Well it began in the 212th. Me and my gang bud Giraffe joined Icefuse because of us watching these GMod minting videos. Soon enough my Papi @Nerd aka HITCH fished us. So it began. Necriss was inactive so as enlisted I ran around the ship with my bud JPEG screaming “WE NEED TO LOCATE COMMANDER CODY”. Fun times. Then came sergeant. I loved the people here. Basically messaged @BlackMamba over discord every day about basketball and me going through SGT ranks by recruiting and shit and I was like “WOAH MAMBA I GOT SFC” and he was al like “Oh cool but did u hear about Kobe? Best player. GOAT.”. Then I got to CSM, and it wasn’t too long until I got 2ndLT which is the point where I regret everything I did. Fucking struggled through that rank shit. I was 2ndLT for 2 and a half months, I was 1stLT for like 1 and a half months and Captain (which due to ranks changing, technically is first rank of senior officers) for almost 3 months. Can’t get worse than this, can it? It can. Then we had some major reforms due to some gay shit I forgot next thing I know I get demoted and honestly at that point Ian like bruh I barely get promoted so fuck this. Me and some fellow officers gtfo and go flip off Mamba and all 212th, so we made some commander reports. None of them worked cus big gay, so we ended up getting blacklisted and banned from their discord and making our own discord where we just went our separate ways. I ended up in 91ST, along with Todd going over to rancor and most people just jumping around from there. I got mere 1stLT for my spell at 91ST until I got stuck at 1LT so I just decided to leave cus I got officer wiped for the 3rd time and I was like meh fuck this. I mean in my defense we had a lot of old people just jump in our batt and get CMD, so I was pretty pissed. At that point I played in 41st for like a couple weeks. Loved them, they were nice asf. But then I heard of Urbaneservers and knew now that everyone sees me as some retard who never has gone past Captain in his almost 9-10 months in the same community, I thought this was a new leaf. It was. Once I come back from my brief LOA I will be commended into Commander Trauma, so yea, fuck everyone who said I wouldn’t make it. I’m CT PVT Nap now, and I still love you guys, so I’ll pay a visit time to time. ? -Nap signing off for the day
  19. You're a douchebag to me, but +1. I know you very well and I feel like you can probably do well. And don't start mentorship again. Please. . I liked it when you used me as a mentor so uh keep doing that if you ever need me.
  20. +1 if billiam approves of his sniper skills me approve too
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