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Everything posted by Bobonater3

  1. -1 so the stories are not matching up, sounds to me he is lying
  2. @[SR] Niemand [NA] if you were banned on the 9th, why are you making an appeal now (8 days later) wouldn't you have talked with someone right away especially because your staff?
  3. ^^^^^ lmao to lazy to write something similar
  4. Bobonater3


  5. I will find you, I will tie you, and make you play forever Have a good one, stay #1!
  6. hey, welcome to synergy! I also super excited for MRP, looking forward to playing with you have fun and see you around
  7. I got my box of Walmart: Socks size L, boxers M (the ones that give rashes), and a box of tangerines! Mine wins Essitt
  8. walmart > supreme all that needs to be said
  9. You did great when you were staff before, and I know you will do great again +1
  10. I don't remember where I seen this but here: playing Minecraft **Witch appears** ITS FUCKING CORVEZEO
  11. FIRST OF ALL V2 ALREADY HAPPENED LMAO. fuck yes, this is a very high IQ post. I know a better way of opening TTT V3, send us $1000, give you VIP, and then we will give your money back to you maybe
  12. sure i believe you have good intent +1
  13. Bobonater3

    g g e z

    do the 1v1, if he wins he is unbanned and if he losses he is perma banned again
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