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About Chase2468

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  1. +1. gave him 4m and he forgot who i was within 48 hours.
  2. +1. cant think of a better alternative for the frog
  3. i am an avowed venator extensive enjoyer. love being on the funny big boat.
  4. +1. Having variety is definitely a solid idea and allows for a bit more expression for individuals.
  5. 5/5/4 Typical Bakus W
  6. 1/2/5. Terrible experience with every teleporting door having an insane amount of droids on the other side of them. Force wielding EJs targeting clones with ~5 jedi surrounding them is incredibly boring because a clone cannot fight back in that situation if they have any concern for hitting the jedi chasing the EJ. Overall, the combat was a cluster and there was no rhyme or reason to it in my eyes.
  7. easy +1. dudes a legend.
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