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Posts posted by Code_R3d

  1. 2 hours ago, Mas Amedda said:

    -1 Everyone deserves a 2nd chance. But they must prove they are worthy of one. My very first REAL convo with you was just you disrespecting and being toxic in a discord to the point where the acting BCMD had to tell you to stop. As staff you are a Public Image of the Server, new people will look up to you. With that said, that's my reason for -1. I also agree with Fizziks statement.

    Telling you guys what happened during the debrief and me telling you what other people running the meeting said about SpecOps when you asked me to tel you what they said about SpecOps isn't toxic all I did was state what  was said in the meeting about SpecOps activity and I was saying as like maybe you should get on because of what they said and the Arti proceeds to insult the 91st and I only responded to her after she as I said disrespected the 91st her comment on the discord was more insulting then it was constructive and all I did was relaying information that was said in the global meeting people such as Kurt understood this so dont be mad at me or say I was being toxic when that wasn't being disrespectful or toxic all I said in the discord was what someone else said I even clarified it. I was as well saying it as a warning because I care for the SO battalion 

  2. Im gonna finish off with this. You cant see anyone change when all you see is shit that happened over a year ago and relates it to the small little details. The people who spread bad things about me are leading to certain views about me ruining my rep even more and gives me a less of a chance to show i have improve especially when its all focused on the bad. Which all it does is leading to the same bad views in the end. So until I have been given the chance to prove myself it will all ways lead to the same road, he has always been a minge so that is why he still in the same place when Im never given the chance to move up from what other people have said about me. The last time I made a big deal on the server if you could even consider it a big deal was May, 2018. Its been a long ass time since then. So until Im given the chance to do something better to people are gonna look at me the same. I have never  been given a opportunity to show all the good I can do  well this that one opportunity. ANd behavior like this can discourage people to move up and stay on the server 

  3. 10/10 Great fucking Job alot of good RP with Tech, EOD, ENG and so on. I also liked how you deployed the Recon and actually do are job then call in Attack to deal with the full force of the CIS. Onlything I would say make the crashed LAATS no flyable I messed up there. I thank you for the effort you put in to detailing the mission as well if I could give 100/10 i would stay here keep working


    RP Name: CodeRed

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:118903055

    VIP (Y/N):  N

    Age: 15

    Timezone: EST 

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an administrator because I feel like I can help at the community and provide more events when I get to that level where I can do so, I also want to become staff so I can eventually make things like dupes/training's  myself for the player base and for people in my battalion. Another reason is that I believe I have matured to perform the daily tasks of a staff member as I have improved myself in a lot of areas surrounding that subject with my tone towards people and my behavior towards others. From what I have from playing since 2017 on the server I can say I have seen it all from myself being arrested before to me being a good soldier and performing my duties and responsibilities, to being there to see "db shooters" and how to handle them from other people. So I think I have seen my fair share of rule breakers. I think as well It would be a great change up for me from being the one helped all the time to becoming the one being able to help others with the ability given when becoming staff on CWRP to being one to follow through staff responsibilities. I have been in many battalion as well from my first being SO to 104th to RANCOR back to SO and finally to the 91st which can lead to a good knowledge of those people leading those battalions. I have also noticed that a lot of players go dark late at night which I'm nearly always on for on the weekdays and vacation time and with my admin powers could provide a RP or fun experience for those players who stay up in such late hours of the day.  I wish to as well become a gamemaster to do such things like events and dupes and to maybe just help out in these areas to make a better experience for the players and to be a helpful person. Another reason is to keep players interested because their are times on the server where it can get pretty boring and with staff I can possible fill the gaps between the big events just to give people a good time.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is CodeRed in game and before you ask its not a Mountain Dew reference it references my name ( Codie )  and my hair color ( It was a nickname given to me as well IRL) . I currently go to High School I take a 3D AutoCad class for making thing like 3D models and I take AG. Power and Mechanics where I wield and work on engines and use tools. I also do High School Sports (Football, Wrestling, and Lacroose) no Wrestling is not gay. Outside of school I play other games such as Arma 3, Squad, GTA, C.O.D, Halo, and pretty much all the Assassins Creed games, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, you name it I might have played it. 

    Do you have any previous staff experience? The only staff experience I have is being an admin on team speaks and discord. Really nothing outside of those two and I think this would be a great opportunity for me to get the experience 

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close)  
    I have played on the server for 621 hours, 12 minutes

    Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?:(If so specify which one)  No 

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