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Posts posted by Ansley

  1. 8 hours ago, Kzits said:

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:  since 4/20/2024  a little over 2 months.

    Ask a staff member online to check your play time


    • Informative 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Mystic said:

    -1. Several reasons.

    1. Roles would get confusing as fuck. 
    - You need to have roles for CMD, BCMD and each individual battalion, subunit, branch, sub branch, training etc. 

    2. Discord permissions!
    - Discord permissions are not the same across discords. Each CMD+ or BCMD+ would need permissions to edit the server itself, which would lead to huge security issues and weak infrastructure in the turnout of a bad player getting one of these positions. Not to mention setting them all up and adjusting them as needed would be a NIGHTMARE. 

    3. Automated Rosters.
    - Currently We use Bots set up by dedicated members of the community to monitor discords and role assignments/recruits etc to automatically log them on the roster. Consolidating to one discord would cause a plethora of issues as there is currently two bots in use, Jovanovic's bot and Satan's bot. I'm not sure both could work in one discord simultaneously.  These bots function on changes of tags, or bot commands. Combining them in the discord would mean having the bot work for 8 battalions, monitoring several different tags and a lot more stuff that i wont mention here which will increase error rate and ruin a decent part of the infrastructure each battalion has.

    4. Freedom. 
    - It is within a BCMDs right to create channels as they see fit, For Officers, OOC reasons or documents, Consolidating all these into one discord would cause loading issues and lag when scrolling through discord. Your average discord per battalion or faction has 40+ channels, many sections, NSFW channels, etc. These are harder to maintain and standardize, and take away battalion freedoms. This also allows people to leave all the other discords while still staying in touch with JUST that battalion. A lot of people leave the Community Discord due to general pings or messages and then stay in the couple of discords they're legacy in. This just takes that freedom away and forces them to stay in a bloated discord. 

    5. Privacy. 
    - While BCMDs and CMDs always have Server Leadership in their discords, there is a degree of privacy given. Having all these put into one discord would cause issues on the privacy front, NSFW channels exist in some discords, Private VCs or tags for Game Night tie back into the Permissions/Freedoms mentioned above. 

    6. Every battalion does things different.
    - When creating discord roles, its impossible to have them all on the same level. If BCMD Fox is above BCMD Bacara and they have the same permissions, it now means BCMD Fox can assign all the BCMD roles below him or other tags etc. While there is tricky workarounds to fixing this, its not worth it. Having separate discords allows for even tag assignment, no power struggles etc. 

    7. Discipline.
    - People are removed from discords based on blacklists that may or may not be permanent. This is 10x harder to keep track of in just 1 discord as you cannot theoretically ban people from the discord for their issues in 1 battalion as it would lock them out from the server as a WHOLE. 

    8. Confusion in general? 
    - The most obvious one is, Why would Naval, Jedi, Civilian, 21st, 41st, 104th, 212th, 501st, CG, RANCOR, SOBDE, Leadership and High Staff share a discord? Like.. you didn't give a reason. Just how to go about it and that you think it would help. The server has been around for 7 years and operated quite well on this system, as have many other servers. This would revoke permissions from Legacy members per battalion, Former BCMD tags, fun discord bots setup by the BCMD,  Its just confusing and there is generally no reason to do this. We already merged a lot into the main discord with the Training Hub and Some of Leadership being pushed into the Community Discord, battalions weren't done this way for a reason. 

    I, Alongside @Rohan, @Tetraand @Finn do a LOT of the Server's Intel work. Tetra being a big mentor and running 41st, Finn taking care of 501st, 212th and CG, Rohan keeping High Staff automated and helping them create trackers, and myself with 21st RANCOR, (up until recently 104th) and Jedi,

    We have all fucked with discord permissions, built documents and had YEARS of conversations in these separate discords. Some of these discords have people from years ago who stay in and talk, but nowhere else. Taking away these discords would kill server history and ruin old friendships.   I also don't think @Wosyand @Woenywant to go through all the effort of organizing and setting this up. Its a lot of wasted time for those two pivotal members of the community. 

    EDIT: Also there is a role cap on discord roles! Let me show some issues here :P 

    This is the role count in the THREE discords i manage, 

    Jedi Order 
    21st Nova Corps
    RANCOR Battalion

    This is together 304 roles just between these 3 discords. 

    You can at most have 250 roles and maybe a small boost if you're a registered discord partner (don't quote me on this) This is not including the 2 largest battalions on Server, 212th and 501st. It would be ABYSMAL putting effort into this. 

    Goblin ass response I with mystic tho so -1


  3. Name:  Ansely

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Cis attract the village and they went to rescue hostages 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:N/A

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    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


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    Server Performance:

  4. Name:  Ansely

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Cis attract the village 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:N/A

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


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  5. Name:  Ansely

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): cis attacked the outpost 41st was a hostage

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:N/A

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


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