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Posts posted by Ansley

  1. RP Name: Ansely

    Steam ID32:STEAM_0:0:121254489

    VIP (Y/N):  Y

    Age: 21

    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):  First, I want to go for staff because I feel like I would be a great fit in the staff team as I already am a GMO. Second, I've had experience mainly being staff on different servers and in high positions, so I have experience with it.  On top of that, I have a very unbias look towards a lot of the staff and players on this server which I think is one of the more important aspects when it comes to staff.  Other than that I do feel like I could being a lot of positivity and helpfulness to the staff team when it comes down to it. 

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentences minimum): I try and work hard with a lot of the things I do (shown when I first became a GM even when I was a GM helper and even now). I try and make everyone's experience pleasant when they meet me as well as try and help who ever I can. On top of that, I avoid issues with a lot of people and want to overall help out as much as I can 

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I've been staff on different Star Wars rp servers as well as director on police rp servers 

    How many hours of in-game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 693:55:20.


    22 minutes ago, Valkyri3 said:


    Operation The Evil Within 2.0- Deployment
    TROOPERS !!! Republic Security Bureau has manage to intercept the origin point of transmission from the 'Tyranus' to a planet called Aargonar. We had also send a squad of republic commandos to the planet of Aargonar previously to conduct a stealth recon mission to scout the planet out but we have received no communication from. Your Main objective is to find the true identity behind Tyranus and rescue our commandos if possible. 



    • EJ to be captured RC.

    • EJ to be Dooku.

    • EJ to be a Commando droid Sniper.

    • Me to spawn droids.



    There will be 2 main compounds. One that will hold the captured RC that will be protected by a Commando droid sniper with a shit ton of droids. Troopers are to rescue the RC which would then review the identity of Tyranus as Dooku. RC shares information that the main compound is heavily protected by automated turrets + Rayshield and must be disabled via a external power station that is lighly guarded by droids. Troopers will then proceed to move to the power station to perform TECH or EOD RP to blow up the station. Troopers will be required to attack the main compound and attempt to capture Dooku. Jedi & Dookuwill duel while troopers will clear out the droids. Dookuwill call in reinforcements and Munis, Bombarding the main compound. Troopers are to hold their ground while waiting for reinforcements and Dooku /me escapes. Troopers will also retrieve data of a source of CIS mining outposts & refinerys which will carry on to the next plotline :)

    Everything looks good at the moment I don't think you have enough story-wise for the deployment section (aka Script)

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