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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Gator

    Dom reapp for GM

    +1 Baller dude, is super creative. Def a must for GM!
  2. 5/5/5 I Had Uber amounts of fun. I loved the aspect of only having a certain amount of items like vehicles and ammo/weapons. (Just a suggestion down here don't have to read more) Maybe to make it more uniform so that it's not all squiggly everywhere and confusing. We need to set rules on who has what. It got confusing and annoying when Rancor built an AT-TE but 104th has priority over it so they got it. I think it should be "Whatever you repair is yours, no priority". I hope that it's not going to devolve into factions of what gets what and I can see where there will be some arguments and disputes over who repaired what. I think that everything SHOULD be split up so that people realize "Oh crap we need to keep this cause it's ours" and not go willy-nilly with what they have cause "who cares it's not mine". Other battalions get their priority stuff first when the 24-hour thing starts(ie: 104th AT-TE/TX-130s, 41st Barcs, 21st AV-7, plus other battalions that don't have priority over vehicles get once for the 24-deployment (ARCs, LAATS, V-19s, and V-Wings) I think that this would make it more so that you have to rely on other battalions more and make it more cohesive Overall amazing thing! Was run way better this time! No doubt that it will be redone again! Can't wait for it!
  3. 5/5/5 thanks for letting me fly!
  4. 4/5/5 A little stale and general with droids, but quite a bit of fun
  5. Gator

    The Traitor

    5/5/5 lots of fun, awesome that you just put 501st with it
  6. 5/5/5 quite a bit of fun
  7. 5/5/5 def had a lot of fun. Loved the different duties with different battalions
  8. Gator

    Air battle???

    5/5/3 pretty fun tbh, loved the SUP attention to us! Spawned too much stuff though.
  9. Gator

    the space rock

    5/5/5 fun times, make it more able to read, we kinda thought it was over after the bridge blew up and went to DB on accident
  10. 5/5/5 pretty fun, a little standard, liked the wookies though
  11. 5/5/5 pretty fun and standard, a little spice with the hostages cool
  12. 5/5/5 I want to give some actual critics for this though. I feel like it was pretty cluttered with people in general. I think next time you need to maybe split it up next time. loved being the copilot with gearshift though!
  13. Gator

    The Trifecta!

    5/5/5 had to leave halfway though, but it was awesome while I was there
  14. 5/5/5 some fun, too hard droids
  15. Gator

    The triala

    5/4/5 a little small map for this amount of people
  16. 5/5/5 One of my fav deployments recently. Loved the dogfighting
  17. 5/5/5 lots of fun, need DB faster tho
  18. +1 I'm personally an officer so it would be nice to have!
  19. 5/5/5 a lot of fun!
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