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Everything posted by Gator

  1. Gator

    Death of Dave

    5/5/5 lots of fun. smaller map next time maybe
  2. 5/5/5 Fun times, why you gotta spawn NPC on me :(
  3. 5/5/3 I crashed 3 times, also due to fire shotguns so maybe not put those on when 70+ are there
  4. +1 all people who are -1 this are not SUP. Look at it from our point of view. It should not be based on player population, the amount of SUP varies with the server pop. Some days there is a lot of SUP and some days there is not. When there is a lot of SUP on (granted we are one of the smallest regiments, so not a lot) when there are ships to fly and such, some random people who are not SUP also want to go flying so that takes limited spots away from SUP due to maybe too many fighters in the air or lag. I don't care if you guys want to fly as well, you can go for it. It's just that I'm kinda tired of being grounded due to having a lot of fighters in the air or having to sit in the LAAT when I'm SUP when the ARF who is just pilot-trained is flying around with no RP base at all. Also, I see only the SUP doing the RP that goes with pilot training like ATC and Maintenance on the starship. They just press E and go at it not even caring if they crash into each other or not cause the admin can just spawn another in.
  5. 5/5/5 pretty fun, a little too Jedi focused
  6. 5/5/5 sweet and cool, a little long but fun
  7. 5/5/5 I love these types of events where you include all types of RP. Keep up the variety
  8. Gator

    CIS Fighters!

    5/5/5 Try to include more characters.
  9. 5/5/5 A little confusing but really good.
  10. 5/3/4 Really good idea. Little Laggy Honestly it wasn't your fault, but the troopers were totally not taking this seriously and it honestly pissed me off. 501st and 104th did not care and were being minges
  11. 5/5/4 Had an amazing tie during the deployment. I loved the Ashoka vs Maul fight (I was ashoka) I really think we can do more of those in to the future. Little laggy on the prop built map, but that was honestly a great time to do! Yall did your best! Thanks for giving us the time and effort for this!
  12. 5/5/5 real fun, just sad there was not a lot of ppl on
  13. 5/5/5 fun and not laggy
  14. 5/5/5 A lot of fun. Little too standard though.
  15. Gator

    Who? - Zeros

    5/4/4 Confusing with the 212th as clankers. A little laggy with seperate things
  16. Gator

    The deal

    5/5/5 really nice and calm event. No need to be over the top. really good bud
  17. Gator

    Dr Doom

    5/5/5 Fun, but a little stale.
  18. 5/5/5 Really fun. Make it more sperated
  19. 5/5/5 Morgan Freeman. You need to split groups and not have everyone bunched up
  20. 5/5/5 was doing SG stuff with Senator. Could have done some more stuff with Senator
  21. 5/5/5 Good. Little laggy. love the improvision
  22. Gator

    Pewpew - Rohan

    5/5/4. Little Laggy, coulda been better. Give diffrent regiments something to do. Kinda boring with literally everyone in the same place.
  23. 5/5/5 Went halfway through. Awesome event. No LAG :)
  24. Gator


    5/5/5 good and fun. Little anyyong to do a not planned Defcon 1 event
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