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Everything posted by Rab

  1. might as well all be shineys then, then across the board it doesnt matter
  2. adding 'confused' when it is a big rp inpact, if you disagree remove all pauldrons and see how people like that
  3. easier to say "talk to any pauldron guy for help or advice" over find X name, and also gives extra reward for being an officer by having additional customization options. Literally every other unit has this function and its useful for that
  4. Rab


    5/5/5 fun small pop event
  5. NOT A WAR CRIME they had a TANK 5/5/5
  6. +1 would be great for RP reasons and multiple other subunits already have this functionality
  7. Rab

    CIS data op

    3/3/4 There wasnt really anything we could do against the player characters and their weapons were obnoxiously OP, one shot brought 400hp and 100 armor to 140 hp flat. I can only imagine they were one shotting most people who had to run all the way back to sector 2 just for it to be over. Also vehicles were spawned in the last 1% of the event so we didnt even get to use them and ran all the way back for them
  8. 5/5/2 Lag city, but very fun still, all my homies hate D.A.V.E.
  9. 5/5/5 fun downtime small group event, only got slayed by the dark side user once ;)
  10. Rab

    Prisoner 489

    5/5/5 very cool, 212th did work
  11. 5/5/3 was a lot of explosions
  12. 5/5/5 small squads getting er done, was noice
  13. Rab

    Secret Invasion!

    5/5/5 had a lot of things to do and was difficult without being insane
  14. +1 would be good for server stability and give priority in high pop times to key pilots
  15. 5/5/5 had fun lots of variety
  16. Rab

    Dag'oth grows

    I don't really enjoy the concept of someone hacking into our systems without any rp, and the whole 'im just an op bad guy thing' is really not interesting for me. There needs to be some kind of purpose or growth and it just felt like a chance to spam zombies and kill troopers. Like a meat grinder. And for it to kinda just... end... is not satisfying 2/2/5
  17. 5/5/5 even deafened i could follow along
  18. 5/5/5 z6 gave me priority targeting
  19. 5/5/5 lots of fun, cool thesh dupe
  20. 5/5/5 very fun but difficult
  21. 5/5/5 fun small squad action
  22. 5/5/5 GC tech RP comes in clutch again even when Wrecker blows up the data console
  23. 3/5/5 had a good time however the rpg thing with a force user who already has a lot going for them was a bit much, also the commando droid cloaking a bunch im not a huge fan of with how many droids we were against with how much damage + HP they had
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