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Everything posted by Beb

  1. Yall dumb weebs probably look like my dude DroopeyMcCool.
  2. Ohhhh, look at me, I don't like sand, bo ho, do you mind if I am a little bitch and betray the Jedi Order? Look at me Mom! Oh wait, you can't, you were killed by a group of sand loving hippies, did I mention that I FUCKING HATE SAND!
  3. It's okay, once they ban all there member, no one will be able to play
  4. My real name is Bob, or at least that's what my friends call me, so I wanted to be an edgy little fuck, so I dropped the O, and put in an E. That and one of my friends always called me Beby, and guess what, when I get on the server guess what I find out? Some little fuck named Bebo stole my name! What a pleb.
  5. Give us your best meme then, let's see how good it is.
  6. PUBG is pretty good, I also like games like the Witcher 3, and Borderlands 2 is good.
  7. Droopy McCool all the way! http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Droopy_McCool I'm not joking, this is an actually Star Wars lore character.
  8. Corv is saying shit like, "Uhh, this 'revolt' was serious, but we will get the players back!" Even if they do, they will find out yet again what is going on!
  9. I just creamed all over my laptop. Thanks a lot, now I need a new one.
  10. Fuck this gay shit dude.
  11. Name: [IFN] Ron [CIO] Rank: CIO Server: Icefuse Main Role: Little faggot Main Champ: Corv Hated Champ ;): Joah
  12. "Can someone get that poll thing started? "Given that those people will come back in time." What a loser.
  13. When I meet Crisis, I think I judged him wrong, I never realized how much hard work he did, and how much he really did care about our community. Crisis was probably the best CEA we ever had.
  14. Beb

    Rant Section.

    Add a section to the forums where you can just go off. There can be some rules like, no racism, etc. But an area where someone can just go off on something on the server, or everyday life. We used to have a section on the Icefuse forums, but you couldn't say anything bad about the community itself, it was kinda stupid.
  15. No money? What are we going to do!
  16. While there were good memories of Icefuse, it was because of the community, it was because of all of us. Not Corv, or Ron, or any high up executive. We made the server what it was, and we made it great, and we will make the community, even better.
  17. I think there should be some ground rules, but Sige Hile Ron made the rules fucking ridiculous. That, and there is a difference between someone flaming someone, and someone joking around. Make some rules, but don't make a two-page document of things that you can't do, or you'll get your ass kicked.
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