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Everything posted by Beb

  1. Beb


    I had some doughnuts.
  2. Beb


    Oh, I always hated when people did that. Oh look at me, - Former 187th XO Beb -1
  3. Beb

    Fourm Game

    Don't feel impressed, you only made it so far. That was the easy part, you have no idea what you are about to get into to. Watch out, because when you are not expecting it, the next step is staring you in the face.
  4. If you were really Yoda, I would jump off my roof.
  5. Hello, everyone! I have put together a puzzle for all of you, while you wait. Who ever wins this game will be rewarded, you will only know what the reward is once you have finished the puzzle. Now, good luck, and don't lose track There is nothing odd about this sentence, in fact, I'm not even sure why you are looking at this. You will find nothing here, and you will suffer because of this. You have entered a lost cause, and I'm sorry, but there is simply nothing here. Within the messages below, tell me what you found.
  6. +1 I'm in the same boat as you man,
  7. The movie would have been better if everyone died.
  8. faoeoaoaaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaooaoaoaoaoaooaoaoa
  9. +10... I mean, more than 10
  10. ALRIGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS, ALL I HAVE TO SAY, IS THAT NONE OF YOU KNOW WHO DROOPYMCCOOL IS! I TRY TO MAKE MY DROOPY MEMES, BUT NOOOOOO, THAT'S JUST SOME MADE UP LITTLE PLEB. LOOK! THIS IS AN ACTUALLY STAR WARS LORE CHARACTER NAME DROOPY MC FUCKING COOL D R O O P Y M C C O O L He's one of those Cantina Band mother fuckers, who probably make 2 bucks a night, and eats dead rats that he catches in his basement. Looks kinda like Ron...
  11. Dude this is fucking gay. (Give me the Like please)
  12. You know this was a fascinating read, I like how it was so long that you would have to be a speckled aardvark whose parents had just died on the freeway and had nothing better in his life to do but read this. I especially liked the part where you briefly touched on the subject matter of the commander position, as this was an eye opening and interesting idea, and furthermore, was a dank meme over all. So, this being said, in as much painful detail as possible. Neutral, I didn't fucking read this, I would rather go and guzzle down a pint of DroopyMcCools Body juices. Thank you, -Beb P.S for all you little fuck tarts who don't know who DroopyMcCool is, here is a picture just for you.
  13. Dayum, I wish I could be as fast Eat My Ass Ohh, that is fast.
  14. Ball park, how long did it take you to color Google?
  15. Here is my quote for the day, "If you teach a man to fish, it takes 2-3 hours, if you give a man a fish, you can poison it and end his pitiful existence." -Beb 2017 Here is my quote for tomorrow, you get it early "If you find yourself down a dark alley, then TURN ON YOUR FLASHLIGHT YOU DUMB FUCK!" -Beb 2017 Thank you.
  16. What's a re-ply? This that like a multi-layered toilet paper.
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