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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2024 in all areas

  1. RP Name: Dumpers Steam ID32:STEAM_0:0:439715116 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:22 Timezone:Central-US Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an admin because I feel I can help with late night crew. Due to always being on during times when admin numbers are low I feel I can contribute to the team and help the admins are not on or are low. I love the server and have been on it for a year, so I would like to help behind the scenes. It would also be a new experience for me, and I would love to help out as much as I can. I would be willing to learn and take criticism in order to do my best. All in all I wanna give back to the community that gives me funny moments. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am Dumpers, I work at nights so I am mainly on from 12:45am to 4:00am my time or 10:00am to 2:00pm, but I am on everyday. I enjoy training and teaching people on the server as well as in real life, as well as learning new stuff. I also am off work on the weekends so i am available anytime those days, and am usually on. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 103 hours
    3 points
  2. I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anybody besides Mazen and honestly my original intention was to just sneak out the back and not say a word but I’ve come to the realization that I’d rather say a final goodbye instead. Synergy has been a big part of my life for just about the last 7 years of my life. I’ve spent the last 3 years in leadership positions such as High Staff, Director, and most recently Management. I’m extremely proud of the time I spent as Director this last go round and the current state of the server compared to when I initially got promoted. Synergy has come a long way from the 20 player peak days and I’m glad I was there to help pick the server back up off its knees. These last few months have been pretty rough for me and I’m sorry that I was barely around as Management during my time in the position. I’ll probably take that as my biggest regret leaving is that I’m well aware of how unpopular the position was in the past and I always told myself if I got it I would be better but I wasn’t. I won’t say I’m never coming back however there is a high chance I don’t. I can’t see myself just playing as a normal player personally and I don’t see my life ever winding back down to where I have the free time to commit to the server as well. I’ve spent majority of my time in leadership positions and in staff where if I loaded into the server and my cloak and no clip keybinds didn’t work I would lose my mind. There are far too many people for me to @ and this post is way too long already. Plus majority of the people that made a real impact on my time here are deadbeat old heads that don’t play anymore so for the most part they’re irrelevant to all the people currently playing. I’ve also come to the realization that I was so distant that there are players that will see this and have no idea who I am as well lol. Take care, Synergy.
    2 points
  3. RP Name:Flay Steam ID32:STEAM_0:1:458592616 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age:18 Timezone:MST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I would like to be an administrator to have a more active role in the community. Also I like to give new players an opportunity to have as much fun as I have on this server. A good trainer and admin could make them stay on this server longer than normal. Also I would like to have more responsibility in the server because I think that I could make it a better place. Another reason I would want to be an admin is my time zone, Due to my timezone being 2 hours behind most of the players, I happen to be on later than lots of other players. because of this later time, It seems that there are not many admins to help with tickets so I could do that. My sleep schedule is also really messed up with no plan to change, so I can help alot in downtime. (edit) I am also a MSG in CG at the time of making this post which means I know the server rules very well and enforce them every time I get on the server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):My name is Noah and I am from Montana. I am currently in school with a schedule that is 3 days a week, so I have a very lenient schedule and that will be the case for the foreseeable future. I enjoy gaming very much and play games such as counter strike, rust, and of course GMOD. I am on my computer basically everyday and would be active on your server. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: No I do not have any staff experience but I am a fast learner and good listener. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 285 hours
    1 point
  4. I've become bored of the server over my 1 year on it. I don't have the motivation I used to and I'm no longer enjoying the server. It feels like a chore to get on now. I used to love being SOBDE, now I cant stand half the people in it. I used to love staff, but I'm no longer enjoying it. Seems all I enjoy now is not being on that server. I wish I could stay but some unnamed reasons will be listed below. Love you all but its about time I got back to enjoying the finer things in life. I no longer enjoy the group of people I work with. That being said there were exceptions. But Ill leave that ambiguous. Some of you need to learn the difference between teasing banter and ironic jokes and genuine hate. I think some of you need help. Literally. wont say who but some of you need to finish your common sense classes. I just do not enjoy the server. Same jokes get repetitive. and annoying. (Not you R. You know I love ya <3) Personal messages @KaiserNeiner Look man, I know we had our differences and we never got along. Well sometimes we did. Anyways I wanna let you know I have not an ounce of resentment, hate, or even anger towards you. a couple months ago I learned life is too long to hate and too short to hate. Good luck on future endeavors, I wish you the best. <3 @Rohan W MCMD SPECRCMD and A'den. We'll still play together here and there bro trust. I still have to beat you in smash bros with luigi. <3 @luci4 Good Bariss. Keep 41st based. And stay out of my precious baby Improcco or ill throw you. You're the better Kom'rk and stay silent. <3 @Gurk You're the future of Synergy. You better be the next director. Amazing GMD who knows how to make a good event. <3 @Casanova Learn to fly, and learn to see the bigger picture. <3 @Danny1 You're a bias spec rcmd and I hope you get thrown through a window in minecraft <3 (kidding best of luck) @Joyboy You're the future of the guild. Good vision and all. Don't ruin it. <3 @DirtyDanLIT Legend. Keep being an undercover minge and you might surpass pythin. <3 I know I promised to become a LT for Wichita but as in the title, I broke A LOT of promises. I promised to become at least Kal or Ordo but I've realized I do not want to. I've seen that I'd be more miserable running and help run a squad than just be in one. And I understand. And finally, I can stop yapping and start enjoying life. If you didn't get a shoutout its for a reason I wont say. nor tell you in DMs. -I've broke the chains, Shaman. "See you, space cowboy"
    1 point
  5. o7 CT PVT Elevator you were one of the Best CT's on the server next to Sock. Safe travels in your adventures.
    -1 points
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