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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2018 in Posts

  1. Steam Name: Fabio Flintstone RP Name: ATK Regimental Commander Ginyu Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:39439189 Brigade you are applying for: Clone General Experience: Icefuse: 187th Executive Officer; 41st Major; Jedi Master; Sage Leader; Ace Leader; Gray Jedi Knight; Gray Jedi Master; Senator Tikkes, Synergy: Jedi Master; 38th Commander; CG Commander Stone/Thorn; Anakin Skywalker (Round 1); Shaak Ti/Rancor CMD; Mace Windu; Doom's Unit Commander; Ion Team Trace; Senator Gume Saam Anakin Skywalker (Round 2); ATK Regimental Commander Why should you become a Clone General?: I will start this off by saying that both Joah and Jek have given me their blessings to post this application as we have discussed in length about what the rank of General can provide for this server in terms of roleplay potential. This potential is currently not being utilized to its fullest and as a result I have written this application to put my name forth as someone who wishes to utilize this position in order to maximise the amount of RP potential that comes with the job. I have a wealth of experience in all aspects of the server ranging from Mace Windu to ATK Regimental Commander and all the while I have done my absolute best to use my position as a way to improve the quality of life for the server in terms of roleplay. As of late I have worked with Jek in order to establish the “Office of Command Intelligence”, an area of the ship where members of high command can interact and RP with their battalions in a formal and professional environment that has been used effectively by both myself and Regimental Commander Llama. With this position I will be placed near the top of the hierarchy but to me the role of General isn't a way to flex a high rank, this job is more than that. The position of General will enable me to enforce good RP on the server and discipline those who actively work against the interest of good RP. Ontop of all of the above points, this position will allow me to take a more hands on approach in terms of High Command. That being able to assist any Battalion I see in need of a helping hand, rather than focusing all my energy into the 3 Battalions assigned to me as a Regimental Commander. Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?: Absolutely Availability: 7 days a week for hours at a time as I am out of classes. Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: I have held many prestigious positions as both a Jedi and a Clone, I was also made a Senator due to my dedication to improving RP and involving everyone from the highest to the lowest ranking members of the server. In the long time I have been a member of the Jedi Order I climbed the ranks and reached such heights as Master of the Order Mace Windu, as well as other prestigious positions such as Shaak Ti, and Anakin Skywalker. As a clone I have been a Regimental Commander as well as a Commander/XO of a multitude of battalions and in my time I have learned a lot through branching out into different battalions and taking the good and the bad from each and molding them into my ideals on how to effectively lead or assist a battalion. Do you have a microphone?: Yes How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army? I have always used my reputation and positions to include players ranging from the highest to the lowest of the chain of command in any RP related activities that I am conducting. I will do my absolute best to assist the members of high command in any aspect that they may need assistance to the best of my ability and continue to strive for a united community free of any dramas and strifes that would cause issues.
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Dude, I sort of no longer play lmao. I took a break from the forums so yeah lol... I hope he still sees that
    2 points
  4. But their lore are just regular 212th troopers, with names. And the only actual Ghost Company are Boil, Waxer, Wooley and Longshot, and two of them died. In my opinion models aren't really needed for for Ghost Company, or at least another pack is what I mean. Couldn't you just make a job under the 212th list named Ghost Company trooper? And have it's model the regular 212th trooper just with extra money, and a lot more customisation when it comes to the body groupers? That's what makes sense to me to be honest. Takes up less server space and actually makes sense.
    2 points
  5. Name: Blaze Who helped (If applicable): Lyonaxis Event Name: Blaze's Mysterious Stranger Summary of the story: Odd music begins to play over the Resolute comms. A voice that speaks only in rhyme calls the Republic to his station. When the troops come inside it is discovered this unnamed character wants the troops to play his game, and have locked the troops inside the station. After solving his riddles and clues it becomes apparent that it was all an elaborate trap. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP
    2 points
  6. Battalion: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion RP Name: Black Date: 4/20/18 Reason: Since I gotta put a resignation form if I'm not gonna reapply I am gonna make a quick and short one.. I enjoyed my time in the 104th especially being in it for 1 year and a month now its time for being to step down and give it to Chop or XO Chop the English person. Chop is the best XO and the best senior officer I got (No offense) and gets the job done that's how I know he can make 104th even better than I did @Washington I thought you were gonna be an inactive Marshal but you are actually one of the best marshals, active and actually does stuff with battalions. Fun banter rping with you about Barris and your fetish for young Jedi - Llama best Recon reg I know fun cussing at each other - Square Best Regimental For SPEC and now senior - Ginyu u are always crazy - thats all
    1 point
  7. If yall still want to talk then pull me in, ill gladly talk instead of just messaging back and forth on Derv's application. And I mean that in a way where I can catch up and hear things from yalls point of view.
    1 point
  8. im not going to argue with this anymore on this thread, this is not where this should be argued about, if you want to talk in teamspeak and vent there, fine. Ill gladly talk to you. I'm not trying to start an argument with anyone, I put a lot of thought into my reply for Derv's Boss application because I care a lot about RC, its something I've been involved with for almost 4 years, so i'm going to put my input. I put a +1 at the end of my reply because of what people are saying about how he has matured, which I respected, I also said that the more i'm around, then ill have a chance to see it. I'm not trying to be toxic, and i'm not trying to increase anger. But after making a reply I get blasted immediately by Tyzen about how i'm wrong. And if i'm wrong, then fuck, i'm wrong. If Derv really has changed then thats totally fine, and ill respect what he has to say. Simple as that.
    1 point
  9. People who ask who is llama are either inactive or just haven't been around long enough +1
    1 point
  10. As far as i see it. If you're willing to put in the time and work to make models all lore friendly and not look like ass i will support this 100%, But until i see a template for how the models are going to look i will not -1/+1 this topic i will remain neutral. Im going to be 100% blunt honest with you when i see what they will look like if they are ass ill be blunt. if they are amazing ill be honest. Best of luck. Impress me bb boo <3 Saw the full model and honestly am 100% impressed with how fast he learned how to model you sir have my fat fucking +1
    1 point
  11. I read it, Jek. I was just under the assumption it was founders only. Sure, Ginyu is good at Rping. Best of luck I suppose, @Ginyu +1
    1 point
  12. +1 This man must take up the Mantle of Responsibility.
    1 point
  13. Let me explain this to people who don't know this is not a meme, he's been allowed to go for this position for being an exceptional roleplayer. +1 Good luck Ginyu.
    1 point
  14. +1 - Good Roleplay - Makes me follow Grooming Standards ...
    1 point
  15. Alright bud, I really don't know who you are and don't really care who you are but you were not the person that blacklisted derv from any role that was Duck you weren't even apart of the community you were just in the discord. With you "coming back" it seems to me the reason why you are back is because you are gonna try to lie your way into a role and power play the person out of it. As being sev and yoda I can not go for Boss at this time, I have full trust in derv that he will be a great squad lead. Stop bring shit up from the past and trying to cause drama when derv has matured and done better in this time as Scorch. Good day, Oh and another thing if you are gonna talk shit, Do it in front of someones face instead of messaging someone it behind there back. See ya Around if you are even legit coming back.
    1 point
  16. +1 Washington is literally the only person I would ever consider for this position. Washington has started helping CG out recently trying to make us into the glorious Battalion we used to be. He has already done such a great job in a short amount of time and I'd like to see that continue. He also does some of the best RP. Note: He needs an Office. Proud of you, Panzer
    1 point
  17. Did you really answer him 1 MONTH LATER!?
    1 point
  18. You forgot Edward, Maloik, Billiam who were all better than me. Love you man, you were the best Admiral, best Executive back on shittyfuse (after Dill, no one can beat this German guy) and best Palpy! When I see Yularen's face in the show I expect to hear your voice but then I'm left disappointed, you were the perfect man for the mission. Miss ya mate <3 Ya boi Mambo :))
    1 point
  19. Make sure you use PEE.. Point, Evidence, Explain.. And demonstrate strong language features, such as: personifications, oxymoron's etc..
    1 point
  20. +1 There are a few things that I am going to address here. 1. RM might be on the rise, and I've seen it myself, but I don't attribute that to the other applicants work. Almost every single person that has applied so far were responsible for sinking the ship in the first place. Bigzach for example absolutely killed it with his constant talk of removal and lack of work. (I was a long standing member of the 91st, and when it went down, nobody stopped or said to stop working, allowing the batt to go down with pride.) Bbstine isn’t that sort of person, and even if you guys do end up getting removed under him, he would not allow you to waste away based on speculation and rumor. 2. Someone mentioned that he would not be the right person for the job, and I would ask you these things: a. What is it that qualifies someone to be a BCMD over medics? b. What is it that places the other applicants above Bbstine, whether it be in terms of experience or otherwise? c. How well do you actually know Bbstine? Something most people fail to realize is the lack of leadership apparent to the entire server when it comes to RM. Ultimately, whether you like it or not, I do believe that the majority of the server thinks someone who has proven time and time again to be leader would be better than someone who not only sunk his own ship, but tried to jump ship to something else as well.
    1 point
  21. Stop with the absolte worst memes to date. I'll actually pay you to stop.
    1 point
  22. *Changed my mind* -1 I don't feel like anyone going for Meds right know is mature and loyal enough to be a BCMD
    1 point
  23. Pretty sure clone general is Founder only to enforce Roleplay. At least this is what I was told a few months ago when we got em. Who knows.
    0 points
  24. -1 I love you bbstine man your a positive guy and everything but I feel an Officer who has experience in their own battalion for staying in months should be BCMD, not an outsider
    0 points
  25. If you would like to suggest something to be added to the server please try to follow this template to make it easier on our end to get the suggestions sorted through with what is possible to the server and players! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: 41st GC CPT Alexz Suggestion: Remove Senate commandos for the time being. Look I know they do a lot to help Senators and RP, but the Senators are never on. Like @Dargon said CG can do better and can do everything SC can do. Also they just take up player slots from other battalions and clearing them up will give boosts to other groups. Simply they aren't needed right now and it's not even a battalion, all it is a side-group and it's not very active. I talked to CG and Dargon (on the forums) and both seem to be okay and in some cases in favor of removal. I feel they can be good later, but for now they don't do much and kind of are just placeholders. Feel free to give me feedback, but in my opinion from all the different groups I've talked to, I feel we should just let CG do their thing again and have power over VIP's. CG is more than capable of doing this and possibly could even later get a sub-branch dedicated to protecting people. Implementation:Remove Senate Commandos (for now) Remove: All SC classes @Scribbles - thanks for the contribution and help @Dargon - thank you for the blessing and semi-approval that they shouldn't exist
    -1 points
  26. +1 I honestly see no one with the qualifications or the heart to replace you, Good luck my man!
    -1 points
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