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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Name: Grand Master Of The Order Yoda/ Null 12 A'den Skirata/ Llama Odinson Reason for stepping down: I have loved being Yoda. It is the best thing I have ever done on this server, but I feel as though it is just time for a new Yoda. Date of full Resignation: 9/27/17 My recommendation to replace me is Dargon, he is the best possible option for Yoda, not choosing him would be a crime against the Order. @Ginyu Dude you are a great Shaak Ti, and a great Jedi. @Weeaboo One of my favorite Masters, if not my favorite master. @Dargon One of the reasons I have made it this far, and why the Order is as great as it is. @Kazane The Best Aayla, the best Shaak Ti, the best... whatever it is you were before. @Joah Thank you for the opportunity to be this servers first Yoda. @Nightmare The Fan Fic God The best poof @Halpert The best Cin Drallig @Youngling Slayer MacMillan You can still kill Poof whenever @the entire 41st Love you all @everyone I didn't mention, I love you all, and I was happy to be your first Yoda @Billiam Clinton@Zander Pick someone good. @Sinister My first Granddad, and in my opinion one of the best. <3 @Chumbus My son, and the best son I could have asked for. Like this
    1 point
  2. *DISCLAIMER* My application will look like complete garbage when compaired to the others but I don't think looks matter. Steam Name:Ben Jammin RP Name: 327th KCL CMD Deviss Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:214812255 Battalion or squad you are applying for: 327th Battalion Commander Bly Experience: 501st - I joined Icefuse and joined 501st under the name Blueberry. I was active and had fun with that battalion but when Icefuse "fell" and Synergy rose I got a little bored with 501st. I got to the rank of SGM and did what I could for that battalion, but things started to change when we all made the switch to Synergy and I chose to leave the 501st. Shock Troopers / 5th Fleet - On Icefuse when I learned of the secondary server I saw a whole bunch of battalions I didn't know existed. I joined Shock Troopers under the name of Strawberry and ran through the ranks fairly quick, making my way to SGM in a matter of a week. I guess I was doing my job right. As Icefuse "fell" and the Kachiro map was removed I transfered to 5th Fleet for about a day. 327th - My time in 327th however is my most proud moments. I transfered to them from the 501st and became Bananaberry. I found myself more at home in a defense battalion than an attack battalion. My time in 327th has reached about my time in 501st but I've done more in 327th than 501st. I helped bring it back to life when we risked being cut. I recruited all day when times were worst and did what I could to make us more enticing. When we reached a stable playerbase of around 6-7 on daily from 1-2 I felt I have done more than I could ever do in 501st. When Ketter got Bly I was happy but for him to go inactive was a big hit to us. I did what I could and now everyone, when the topic of Bly comes up, says "Deviss for Bly". Jedi - I'm a healer padawan that can't pass knight trials. I've done them like 6 times or so. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I've brought a battalion back from the dead, I'm one of the most active members of the battalion and am 1 of 2 actually qualified to apply for Bly, my boyos encourage me to go for it even when applications weren't open. I believe with an active battalion commander we can grow even more than we already have. I've poured my heart and soul into this battalion to see it survive the chopping block. But while we aren't 100% safe at the time of making this I hope as Bly I can make that chance of getting cut disappear. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yeah Availability: I'm on everyday. When I have to work on a day I'm on teamspeak and my way to and from it, and when I get home I'm on the server. When I have days off you know I'll be on all day. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since the server came out with the beta and even the stress tests. I'd say 600+ or something. IDK how long we've been up exactly Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want to see the 327th a battalion that rivals the numbers of 501st and 212th. I want us to be a battalion that is not seen as a dead battalion, though we can keep the retirement battalion tag. I want us to be a battalion the 101st when they join see and us be the first to welcome them aboard (our bunks are across the hall). And I want to see the battalion always have people on the server. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes
    1 point
  3. Time for Dargons Resignation From fox... he has been a great one
    1 point
  4. But seriously, this event was FIRE. So much great roleplay and action for everyone, Punda once again gives us another legendary event. Without Punda, events would be dry af.
    1 point
  5. +1 We got the hyper matter cell stuck in the door and it killed 5 people, including ATT REG Joe and SPEC REG CMD Zomb.
    1 point
  6. Welcome home former XO Anu
    1 point
  7. Was defiantly me you like more Kappa
    1 point
  8. +1 I'd like to have someone already in the Battalion be BCMD.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
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