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About dustinburdine

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  1. its been almost a year and a few days since the retirement of the Dirty 8.... We stand together!
  2. bring back the 38th #ERneedsfixed
  3. RP Name: TR 38th EC ITL BTO MAJ Dustin Steam ID: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59833323 Age: 28 Gender: Male Timezone: Central Time (CT) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be able to help in whatever capacity that is needed. I've really enjoyed my time on the server and have devoted all my time to just this one server. I have worked very hard in the 38th to help make a enjoyable and immersive experience for all its members. Now I've seen areas outside the battalion that I would like to help in mainly late night events as a late night gamer I see maybe 1 event/sim after 1 am est which I am grateful for the GM that are hosting those but I would love to be able to enhance the experience for players during those hours. Even though GM is a goal of mine, I have no doubts about my willingness and ability to help in all areas that need attention from training cc's, helping with docs, moderating the server, or anything else. Thank you for taking the time and looking over my application all criticism and advice is appreciated. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Lets see I'm 28. A husband, and a father of 3. I was a console gamer for many years and have been on pc primarily about 5 years now. I started with League but don't hold that against me lol. I'm pretty much an open book if you ever want to know something specific just ask. but for now here are some cliff notes. I was a 11B if you don't know what that is so be it, I have worked in a lot of different fields but I have spent the past 7 yrs managing as well as sales. Currently i am a Locksmith. Do you have any previous staff experience? On this server no. In general? yes quite a bit besides my many years in the work force managing Staff that over saw events with 3000+ attendees. I have also been in a gaming community on console for a better part of a decade that at one point has had 5000+ members. While being in the top leadership in that community I have had to oversee and deal with anything disciplinary actions, formatting for different games, forum work (AdminCP), as well as overseen one drive rosters that stretch into the hundreds. I know and understand a rank structure with in leadership and respect decisions past down but also have the vision and work ethic to help propel us into the future.
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