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New Jet Pack maybe?


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Name: Faded

Suggestion: Add a more realistic jet pack. I believe this jet pack is more smooth and will produce less lag in the server. 

Implementation: Add the workshop and do whatever has to be done.

Lore: https://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Jetpack/Legends , https://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Jetpacks

Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=931376012&searchtext=jetpack
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: Add the jet pack onto models

Job: Which ever Jobs that have a Jet pack to begin with. 

Model: N/A

Weapons: N/A 

Other: This jet pack has it's own pros and cons. Such as it is more smooth and realistic. It can be edited and you can hover and still move around by holding SHIFT. The cons are if you die the jet pack will either fall to the ground or blow up, if it does fall to the ground it can be picked up. Depending on the situation THAT part can be changed plus fixed, hopefully.  

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+1 I used this jetpack in my old community and it performed the exact same with 10 players all the way to 70 players, very consistent. We could also do formations in mid air like firing lines, single columns, wedges, etc. and it added a new layer to rping that was a pleasant change from the norm like having your battalion set up behind some windows on a big building waiting to ambush while the other battalion members were inside that building trying to get the hostage.

The only disadvantages that I can think of off the top of my head that can all be edited out through it's lua file are..

1. You can drop the jetpack through the c menu and another player could pick it up

2. There is this weird buzz lightyear model to the jetpack

3.(?) There is unlimited fuel

On my old server these 3 points were all edited out through the lua file so we could drop the jetpack and it simply vanished from the world, we made the lua file load a very small piece of wood from hl2 that stayed hidden inside the playermodel so we didn't have to look at the weird jetpack model it has, and we could only fly for like 15 seconds until the invisible fuel bar ran out and you had to lay off using the jetpack in order for it to refuel


This jetpack is fucking awesome

Edited by KyleJWest
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+1, this would make jet trooper easier to play with, and would be more lore accurate to controllability. 


Although You need edit the file because dont wanna drop it.  (We use boots, and those are constant entities too, so replacing it wouldnt be too hard) 

Edited by Scribbles
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33 minutes ago, CBlake said:

modelers are modeling. literally using a single type of jetpack. not to mention.  its also jet boots. not an actual jet pack  the jetpack is just for looks. 

-1  I dont think theres any issue with current used "jet pack"   

It's a different control method entirely. This new one is much better to control, it doesn't involve looking up or down to control your speeds forward or back, meaning jettroopers can actually shoot from above, without suddenly jetting themselves forward. It handles FANTASTICALLY. The model doesn't matter, because it can be rendered invisible, or just not there.

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+1 100% i have been on other communitys that use these and they are absolutely amazing. you dont fly off like a chicken with your head cut off in these.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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It may not be a pressing matter but if it is something that will help lag and handles a million times better then Id say its a lot more important then some of the other suggestions I have seen floating around lol


It doesnt have to be a fucking cancer cure to be suggested.

  • Agree 3

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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3 hours ago, OneNiner6719 said:

It's a different control method entirely. This new one is much better to control, it doesn't involve looking up or down to control your speeds forward or back, meaning jettroopers can actually shoot from above, without suddenly jetting themselves forward. It handles FANTASTICALLY. The model doesn't matter, because it can be rendered invisible, or just not there.

My apology. I actually thought of that about 10 minutes after replying and meant to change my vote. You have my full support. Was paying 0 attention to coding and shit lmao 

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+1 was used on a few of my previous servers I played on. If the model cannot be invisible then there are ways to get around it, such as using a different workshop addon that changes it to the star wars jetpack. It works the same way. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1211607762&searchtext=star+wars+jetpack

Works really well for jet troopers and ARC, question I have though is "Is it possible to be able to have it equipped as soon as you spawn as correct job?" If so then this is a really nice addon to have for the server.

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