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Do we ever lose?/Campaign Idea

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Let me start this by saying I've been on Synergy for around half a year now. Ive been in the 91st, RM, and now the 501st so I've seen the sever from different perspectives on the ground. In all that time I can't remember the last time I've been told in debrief two simple but meaning words, "Mission failed". I'm not saying it's never happened but in my experience it hasn't happened to me and please tell me if it's just me that hasn't heard that. However if a large portion of long time members have the same issue then I think something needs to change. Yes mission failures aren't fun and suck but we have to earn the victory because it gets boring winning again and again and again. Which brings me to my next point. 


Secondly I wanted to give an event suggestion, a campaign. No not two part or three part events I mean a legitimate planetary invasion campaign. It seems hard, and is hard, but with the proper planning I think it can be done. Here's my idea


Story: Two Republic Frigate operating as scouts have discovered a new temperate planet in the unknown regions, no not earth but similar in its climate and diverse landscape. As they begin charting this amazing new discovery they notice a lone CIS frigate comes out of the planets atmosphere and jumps away, not noticing them. It seems the CIS have beaten us there. You may be asking me "Why don't they have a blockade?" well it's because they don't want us to know they are there. They wanna stay low profile. 


Is this lore friendly? No. It won't be lore friendly and will be extremely unlorefriendly at times but you know what sometimes we gotta push the boundaries to have fun. 


How it will be done: Ahead of time maps will have to be pre-selected off the steam workshop, don't limit yourself to star wars maps GMs, and put all of them into a list so that way we can alert everyone ahead of time and they will have the proper add-ons. Hell add modern day tanks into the list, you'll understand why later. New maps will have to be selected for this to work.  Maybe a few of the ones we already have but new ones are badly needed so we are forced to work in an environment we are unfamiliar with. 


How our actions will matter: Here's an example to explain this better. I was thinking the first part would be only recon being deployed, in secret, to the planets surface to find out what the hell is down there. No engaging just get in, find out what we are up against, and get out. What would be there is a base with CIS troops, tanks, etc. but make them get dangerousouly close to find out extra Intel. Maybe hide a terminal outside the base somewhere that had the flight patterns for the next few days of fighter patrols, you'll see why. If they got all Intel THEY THINK there is then they have to decide to pull out thus ending the mission. If they are successful they are told what they accomplished but not what they missed. If they fail then it changes the entire campaign. Here's what would be the outcome possibly

-Mission Successful: CIS are unaware of us knowing they are there and in the next event it will be a pilot only event where they are sent in on unsuspecting patrols to take them down to clear the way for the "LAATS that are on fast approach". If they got that extra bit of Intel I mentioned then it becomes even easier for the pilots and they don't have to shoot down that many fighters as they normally would. 

-Mission Failure: CIS now know that we know they are there so when the event mentioned above happens now the pilots have to deal with more fighters this making their job harder.


You see what I'm getting at here? Each event affects the next one down the line. This campaign could go perfectly, horribly wrong and be a failure, it could be a phyric victory, etc. Now let's say the pilots fail. Well now the attack battalions are deployed but have less lives because they failed and "on the way to the drop zone LAATS were shot down" but here's where it gets better, in my opinion. The 212th get their own event where they attack something like a town idk buuuuuut all the other attack bats are deployed along side them and will be colored orange, unless you wanna white list everyone as a 212th, to give the illusion that this is a 212th operation only. Later on the 501st, 327th, etc. get their own events like this but technically all these events are happening at the same time in the story.


Now if you've made it this far first off thank you for taking the time for reading this essay from a pleb like me. This event would take major planning but if planned and written out correctly then any GM could pick it up and move on with it so we don't have to wait for a specific GM to do it. Go all out GM on this. Use Gmods vanilla humans and ballistic weapons, have them be the locals and if troopers kill too many of them then they become hostile and now we have to fight them AND the CIS. Hell put the columbine in there but don't call them that. Have them fighting the humans and we can ally with one or the other, or at one point get a senator to barter an agreement with one of them or if they are persuasive enough get them to make peace and both ally with us against the CIS. This could be something amazing that everyone enjoys and every single job gets to do something pertaining to them. 


Thank you


This is 501st Runner signing off

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Not gonna lie, did that back when i was a game master and in the event the republic fucked up bad so the whole mission turned around and was considered a failure. People dont like to lose its human nature. When u make an event designed for them to fail, ppl will find stuff to complain about whether npcs being spawned too close or saying event jobs have too much health. I would LOVE to see the change ur mentioning, but i tried it before and they didnt like it :(

P.S. that conquest idea of one event affecting the next at that scale is great

Edited by BigMan/TimmyThicc
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