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Jacien's Bacara Resignation


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Battalion: Galactic Marines

RP Name: Bacara/Jacien

Date: 8/13/18

Reason: Failure of a BCMD and as a leader.

Goodbyes: The Galactic Marines, you were my home for almost a year, you did so much to help me and gave me a place to be almost immediately. I hope that the next person doesn't hurt you more. I will still be around, this isn't a full goodbye to the battalion or even as BCMD but good will to the battalion so I do not harm it further.

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2 minutes ago, Raider said:


You really shouldn't of have to do this. Did someone strong-arm you into doing this? If you need to talk, I am always here.



Who strong armed him? the whole fucking community did.


Anyways, I loved GM bc of your leading and I saw nothing wrong with it. o7. Not sure if ill stay in GM.

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Honestly, blaming you for recruitment isn't something I find to be a valid report, but I do get where you are coming from with not wanting to change the way things work. I'm the same and that's probably why we got along so well. It was a pleasure playing alongside you. 

Null don't salute, but we do have this: "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum" 

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Im really sorry to see you go buddy you were by far not the worst Bacara to be apart of this battalion. In my opinion you got fucked when you were handed the position and you have helped improve GM quite a bit even though its not as much as the community wanted it to be. By no means is the state of GM (What they say the state of GM is) is your fault, you tried your best with some of the worst cards ive seen dealt in terms of leading a battalion. While yes something could of changed sooner, what matters is that you changed it while keeping the core codes and feeling of GM similar throughout the changes.

o7 it was a good run brother and i still thank you for getting me to tryout this server after my first experience with it.

~KU CPT Wynter/K II Dracul

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