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Gotcha Now Luny (Final)


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Name: Hazard/Oddball

Who helped (If applicable): Arroyo, Tyrone

Event Name: Gotcha Now Luny P.3

Summary of the story: With the victory of the Republic being able to fend off Luny Albert's forces at Kamino and the promise he made to the Republic about the winning, a promise is a promise and Luny hands over the coordinates of his current whereabouts, the Republic gets prepared and is enroute. The Republic arrive and quickly setup an FOB, Luny the way he is sends a hologram pre recorded message about how it is useless for the Republic to know his location because he has already finished building his dangerous bioweapon that can again, wipe out entire planets, but there is a glimmer of hope for the Republic, if the Republic manages to get to the site of the bioweapon and somehow deactivate it from launching, they save the day. If not, well, you know.

What was the result of the event?: Republic manages to deactivate the weapon and kill Luny.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.

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