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Andrew's Commando Droid's Infiltration


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Name: Andrews

Who helped (If applicable): QAL / Albaber / Panda / Skeeti / Maymays

Event Name: Commando Droid's Infiltration

Summary of the story: The Inspector General sent a care package to the Resolute due to a recent pass in a inspection. Unknownly the ship that the Inspector was on was infiliated by Clone Troopers that were acutally Commando Droids, so they placed boms in different boxes that were suppose to be sent to critical areas around the ship. The CIS attacked the Resolute and a Defcon 1 occured. The Resolute set up a refuegee camp at the Temple until the Battalions could repair, gain control of the Venator again. 

What was the result of the event?: All battalions returned to the Mark 3.0 Resolute, all souls were acounted for. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented evenPassive RP at the beginning, Shoot Em up, Engineer Roleplay at the end


** One thing to note, A event on this scale will have its boring sections. If its boring to you, simply don't play. Go play another game or simply become a Gamemaster**

Edited by Andrews53
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-1 The event started OK. Also, If you want to deploy battalions take them to the event server. Most battalions waited 20 minutes just to go back to the ship and shoot droids.

Edited by J.Jefferson

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Andrews, honestly this was the worst event I've ever been in.

Started off with cringe passive with the inspector general and the 5th fleet. "UHHHHH"

Went right into BOX RP YESSSSSSS

then wow commando droids snuck on the ship!! 

OOF Enemies attacking > slaughter literally every commando droid and NPC that spawns

OH Defcon 2

???????? why



> Sit on prop laat for like 5 min before taking off ( Literally nothing happening despite defcon 1 beinc called)

land at jedi temple

no CT tent

go to balcony of the main building 

sit on wall with some CTs for like 10 min

randomly get yelled at by CG to get off

decide to just move on and head out of the camp thing to go somewhere quiet 


walk back in 

best part of event > 91st riding a prop bike that someone else is moving around with a phys gun (get a good laugh out of it)

finally get deployed back to the venator 

laat breaks leaving the temple 

everyone re-spawns at the ship and start clearing everything

event ends after engineers poke around in the ER for a bit.

-1, although some parts were not in the power of the GM to fix like the messed up laat but in the end it was a very bad event.


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13 hours ago, Andrews53 said:



** One thing to note, A event on this scale will have its boring sections. If its boring to you, simply don't play. Go play another game or simply become a Gamemaster**


that's a crappy attitude to have. If a group of people dislikes your event you should look for a way to appeal to them as well not just encourage the user to stop using the application (in this case the server)

  • Agree 1

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