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Add Regimentals


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  • Regimentals 

My suggestion is to add Regimentals to the server

What are regimentals you may ask? Regimentals are basically a planned server event every couple months  where Regiments go into basically a so called  "olympics" to test their skills and overall abilities on the server. 

If your're wondering how this works let me tell you. Once every three months for example each battalion goes into groups of 5 (selected by the commander of the battalion)  to the event server 1 by 1 and does tasks that are given out by the people holding regimentals. Some examples of these tasks would be 

  • RP
  • 1 Mission that is designed for the regiment 
  • Accuracy training 
  • formations (timed) 
  • Faces (timed) 
  • Scenarios 

The purpose of the regimentals are to test each battalions skills and see where they hold on the server. 

some things you can add to regimentals are giving prizes out to the top 5 groups who got the highest scores (tags that say they won regimentals, some money, maybe a class edition like a gun that is accepted by the owners, or just sheer bragging rights) 

Obviously the people holding regimentals would be the ones grading the groups determining how they do in each of the tasks. 

(This is just a quick idea for regimentals, but theirs a lot more things that would need to be discussed) 

Hope you enjoyed the idea (and give me your feedback!) 

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even with the format, this is up to the regimentals and we already have something like this. The sever had/has a version of this already. Bat vs Bat. Every 1-2 months all battalions PVP and the best ones advance til theres a winner. Even then REGs often hold trainings with their regiments and they can get better there. So overall this kinda seems not needed. 


Edited by LixCoffee
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Too tedious to implement especially with the differing time zones everyone has and availability. Even if this was implemented to incorporate everybody considered, this would take too long which by then, the inference of grades would have become obsolete. 

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-1 we have battalion Vs Battalion Wich is basically what your saying

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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There is this cool thing called "Battalion Versus Battalion".  This has already been done and what you're suggesting would be tedious, time-consuming and pointless. Sorry, it'd be a cool idea but it's to big of a scale kind of thing.


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These types of things do happen. Max is usually the one to do them and he makes his rounds to each battalion usually assisted by high command/other gamemasters. If you feel that your battalion is not being deployed enough, please report it to your regimental which will then bring up the chain of command.

- Suggestion being moved to denied -  

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