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Square's Staff Application


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RP Name: 104th MAB HVY CPL Square

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62612744

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Timezone: Pacific 

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Upon returning to icefuse after a long break, I found the server broken in many different ways. With the creation of this server (Synergy Roleplay), new opportunities, better game play, and better management was established creating the ultimate star wars rp server with the best community out there bringing in not only many new players, but also many from other popular star wars rp servers such as most of the serious population from the icefuse server. I would like to give back to the community by providing my service as a staff to help keep it running smoothly as well as aid it in its continuous growth. Looking at where this server is now, being one of the top played star wars rp servers on gmod when it has only been running for 2 or so weeks is outstanding and shows that this is only the beginning and will lead to something much greater. I believe that I can be a valuable asset to the server not only enforcing its rules, but also providing it with fresh ideas to in order to keep it new and unique. I've never applied for staff on a server unless I've really enjoyed playing on it and and wanted to dedicate myself to that server. I look forward to meeting new people and having new experiences on this server regardless of my title.   

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Anyone that would like to get to know me better is more than welcome to have a talk with me at any time but I will try and sum it up for you. I would like to think of myself as a hard worker and I really enjoy helping others and seeing them succeed overtime. I would say that I have a lot of patience especially when working (I consider being a staff member as a second job). My job irl involves a lot of people interaction which helps me learn how to deal with all different kinds of people. I take things seriously but am still able to joke around and have fun when appropriate. Adapting to different situations has been one of my specialties for a while now and it is something that comes in handy in this field of work. Even when it comes to friends I don't give special treatment so you can expect all my decisions to be fair and un bias. I usually get up early and stay up super late so I have a lot of time to play throughout my day. 

Ever since I began playing RP games many years ago they instantly became my favorite. The idea that you could always embed yourself into someone else and create a new and unique character always intrigued me. I loved the fact that I could live as other people testing out new scenarios and situations. After a couple years of playing garry's mod I found a military Rp server which I loved and played almost if not every day for a very very long time. This server would later provide me with my first staff experience teaching me the commands, and how to enforce rules. It also taught me how to handle various situations, examine and piece together evidence, and other important skills necessary for being a good staff member. I took this experience and began bringing it to other servers like dark rp and developed my self more and more which has brought me to where I am today. Star wars has always been my favorite throughout my life. Favorite movie, show, toy, book, video game etc and I was especially fascinated by the clone wars era. Clone wars rp is special to me because it captures everything I love about it and throws me right into the middle of it creating scenarios that make me feel like I am apart of the show. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my piece.

Edited by Square
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Congratulations! Your application for staff has been accepted for interview.

Please contact an Overseer+ by August 14th to conduct your interview.

If you fail to do so your application will be automatically denied.

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