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[GMCs] Get Pilots more involved


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Name: TR 501st TC PLTL CPT Hawk

Suggestion: Get Pilots more involved with events. Passive or shoot em up.

Other: Allow Pilots to Provide air support, transport, and whatever else ground troops might need. Y-Wing bombing runs, LAAT transport or airstrikes, V-19 strafing runs, etc. 

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Pilots will probably get more involved when we go to the new map because people will need transported to different  parts and all that good stuff 

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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So I will speak on this as a GMM.

Whenever we have events on the main server we have to consider a few factors when planning our events.

1. Server Population - As a general rule we avoid using ships on 100+ to avoid causing massive lag and ruin it for the whole server.

2. Server population distribution - We see exactly who is active at the time, we try to tailor the events to what kind of population is active and still try to give everyone something to do.

3. Dupes that are down - If people are doing tryouts/trials (SOBDE and Jedi) if people have dupes down it can quickly limit what we can do without impacting server performance, keeping in mind server pop. 

We try to incorporate pilots whenever we can but we also have to consider the above 3 factors and the lore/story of our event.

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Just a suggestion, I think that pilots need to be more involved on events

but the lag can just completely murder the ship, so what I'm thinking is you know those 3 part events on the event server. Why don't we use pilots more in there 

Example - launch a bunch of pilots and they have to break through a blockade 

Example - whenever another team gets deployed (IE - Attack battalion storming a beach) the pilots would fly all the people down there like in a real combat scenario


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So basically it all depends on whether or not the game master wants to include ships in their event. If you didn't know already, ships cause a lot of lag and can crash the server very easily. Although they may be fun for the few times they are used, spawning in a ship(s) for pilots would mean that the game master would have to spawn in less droids to compensate for the lag. Basically it's a trade tacking from one department in order to give to another. Also, the game master would need someone to manage/supervise the ships in the air if they choose to include that in their event. Because of this, it is up to the game master to decide whether or not they want to include people flying ships in their event. Bottom line is, yes ships are fun, yes they cause a lot of lag, and if the server crashes because of a game master having a bunch of ships flying around they are held responsible hence the rarity of ships being used outside of transportation.   

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Also @EsittI feel this would be a better situation handled by the game master program as they are the ones regulating the use of ships during events. 

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It boilds down to this: Population over 100 - maybe 1 or 2 ships depending on what else is happening on the server (How many droids, jedis, flashlights, dupes, etc) and no ships ever if 120+.

The only exception is for the arrival & exit of the event jobs, they may arrive on a ship that will be despawned immediately upon landing and the same with exiting. This is because not much at all will be happening and the lag won't be as bad.

As for ships in the middle of the event, it's up to the discretion of the Game Master to take into accounts everything that is happening. The main thing that could be done is do space battles were it's just ships fighting and no boarding - but it has a major drawback. If two ships crash, they have a chance to instantly crash the server and there is no preventing it - so that discourages Game Masters a lot as it is completely out of their control.

Overall, ships need to be looked after the entire time they're spawned and held accountable for what else is happening on the server. So, it is up to the discretion of the Game Master as long as population is below 100. Above that ships can only be used for a few seconds at most when not much else is happening.

This may change when we swap maps or when the lag is decreased further.

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