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Core's Game master Application


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Name: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:161163614


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: I was here since the server started with breaks in between 


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I wouldn't say I'm the best but my skills for communication and leadership are good

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I do understand that if I'm inactive I'll be removed


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

The Venator gets a distress call from Tatooine that the Geonosis are making a factory and its making droids and invading Tatooine the Mayor which is a Tusken raider of the town almost gets killed but the clones go and help him they then move to Geonosis with the mayor and his bodyguards to destroy the droid factory on their way there they get ambushed by droids they're going to have to fight their way to the droid factory. Once they all get there the Tuskens betray them and kill them all they wanted to get the revenge themselves they then went to the factory they were successful to stop to production of clones and they use it for themselves.

The clones get reinforcements the tuskens found a way on how to make the droids fight for them the clones have to find a way to push through the factory blow up the factory and kill the Tuskens we then go back to Tatooine to mass genocide the tuskens for murdering their brothers the tuskens still fight back because they already knew what was going on its almost as they were planning on this the whole time and once they killed them all they go to debrief then back to the Venator with the mission being successful.

- Part 1 will be 1 life then they wait at spawn.
- No tactical inserts in part 1.
- The clones must not kill and tuskens in part 1.

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+1 i don't need to put a reason 

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Due to you having previous GM experience, a decent amount of feedback, and a well made app, I am going to mark this as Accepted for interivew

You have until Sunday 5/20/18 to contact a GMO+ for an interview.


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