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Bolt's Staff Application


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RP Name: 91st Recon JTL PLT ENG CPT Bolt


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:105927181


Age: 13


Gender: Male


Timezone: PST/MST (Arizona doesn't like daylight savings so....depends when it is)


Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Now about a month ago I came back from another one of my breaks from the server, I was a CT and all that and now I am a 91st because they are back and it has been great to be back,  but there were some issues with staff, especially with gamemaster activity and the system, along with the fact nobody wants to train CC's. I want to help the server right now again as I've done in the past, and I want to help synergy's future. I believe I can do a lot for the community, even as one person, one guy on a staff team on a major server. I've been with this community for a long time, since it began, and before that back when we were all one on icefuse, before the days their corruption was revealed to us, and I love this community, but the staff team needs help, and I'll be there for them, also gamemaster's too but that is just looking ahead into the future. The staff team needs help and I want to be there for it, to help the community grow more. We need to keep synergy going. And I want to be there when things begin to improve more and our staff team gets better till we are the best community out there in Garrys Mod.


Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 13 year old from Arizona(as it says from earlier in the app), cool. Anyway, I am not much of a star wars fan, but I like the clone wars, so I play here, woo. I am well known among the community here on synergy and am looking forward to hopefully being apart of it again through the staff team. I am looking forward to also being able to communicate ideas for the server, especially in the gamemaster area and expanding the wide variety of stuff we have such as models or vehicles. I am interested in other games too and especially history games like HOI4, EU4, CK2, etc. But yeah, that is about it for me. Oh yeah I have the urge to join this staff team and help make it better than ever before.


Do you have any previous staff experience?: I do have previous staff experience

Staff on Icefuse Networks (before the whole breakaway by us)

Staff on Synergy Roleplay (when it came out)

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Your application has been accepted for interview

Please contact a Head Administrator + on teamspeak by 5/18/2018

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