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Reaper's Staff Application

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RP Name:

TR CG QM TKO SGM Reaper  ( old name Mason)

Steam ID:








Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I wish to become an administrator as I wish to broaden my capabilities in order to aid the myself , my battalion and the server/community, I have a passion to help others, My current duties in the CG include recruiting and I also possess the Trainer rank which I like to do, adding staff work onto that list of duties will enable me not only to aid the server, it will also enable me to perform my Trainer and CG recruiter services more effectively as I could enact whitelisted upon users quickly.  myself being a staff member and playing almost all day could mean that I am always on to help those in need. I am very mature and follow all the rules so I believe I will be able to enforce the rules due to my extended rule knowledge.

I wish to expand my interaction via the forums which I do look at a lot but do not post on, and I believe that becoming a staff member will enable me to give feedback to other applying staff and in general, help give constructive feedback to suggestions and Ideas in the community, this will mean I could gain recognition within the community which will help me aid with players more efficiently due to me being familiar with them.

I am familiar with staffing which is one of my traits, and yet another reason why I should be accepted as an administrator.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

Trusted - I have no records of any rulebreaks, I am a strict follower of the rules and always inform those who don't follow the rules that they are breaking them, and I will not hesitate to report them if they continue, as a staff member this will broaden my power as instead of reporting the rulebreakers I will be able to deal with them myself.

Confident - Due to my impeccable rule knowledge I am always confident in verbally enforcing the rules, as mentioned before gaining a staff rank will enhance what I can do when I notice the rule break. This will help because it will not only let me inform the user that they are breaking the rules, It will also allow me to punish them if they continue to break the rules

Organised - I am very organized and I always strict to my own personal staffing ethos (unless a server provides one which contradicts my personal morals on staffing, then obviously I will follow that instead) I have managed many projects in several communities which have proven my organization skills and I'm attempting to prove to the server I'm capable whenever the opportunity occurs.

Attitude - I am always polite and respect, I have a positive attitude to everything, whether it be TR or Battalion recruitment I always welcome the recruits with positivity and maintain that image along the way, I would consider myself a respectful player who does like to joke around but I know when to draw the line and I never cross it.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

No I do not have any staff experience, But I have been an IT member for many different battalions. 

Edited by [SR] Reaper
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