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Egert - Negotiations


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Who helped (If applicable):Alec,Pythin,Ike,Lyonaxis,Avavel,Arroyo and Tybo

Event Name:Negotiations

Summary of the story:A CIS Senator Come to the Republic to Switch Sides so his Planet doesnt have to live Poorly.But it is a Trap he has Cloaked Commando Droids on his ship and He tries to Capture High Command and he calls backup.Genral Grievous comes to help the CIS Senator.

What was the result of the event?:Grievous Escaped and CIS Senator and CIS Retreated!

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Shoot em up

Edited by Egert75
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28 minutes ago, Sock Monkey said:

+1 got killed by commandos, jedi hunters, magna guards, and general Grievous, fell in the moon pool, and got bullied by 501st

Sounds like you had quite the adventure. Hope my 501st weren’t too harsh on you 

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