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Zyner's Republic Aid


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Who helped (If applicable):

Prince, Matra, Arcann, Woeny, Rogue, Smeck

Event Name:

Republic Aid

Summary of the story:

At a distant planet where the Republic has not yet set an FOB with Clone forces a war has begun to break out. In an attempt to aid the civilians of the planet before dispatching forces, they have requested some civilians to be sent to a nearby Venator and be trained by the Clones on the ship. Once their training is completed, they will be sent back to the planet so they may share their knowledge with other citizens and better be prepared in the war until Clones come set up an FOB.

What was the result of the event?:

A pod arrived in the Venator housing the Civilians, they were taken to MHB to be spread out among the Battalions to be trained. Some were trained in medical, others in weaponry and even a couple were granted the training of Jedi. Suddenly, their pod began receiving distress signals from the base it was launched. It turns out the hostile force on their planet had made an attack on their base and tracked down the coordinates the pod was sent to. They shortly arrived on the Venator and began an all out attack as they assumed the ship to be a massive weapon/space station from their enemies. The hostile forces were fended off by the Republic as they never fathomed the strength of the Republic, mistaking them for a force of the civilians on the planet. With the hostiles forces depleted, the civilians were murdered by the Troopers one by one after they failed to make them suicide by jumping out of moonpool. In the end, it was all a worthless effort as their ship laid in Hangar 2 the entire time as a way to send them back to their world - While the Republic may have stopped ones enemy, they seem to have created another.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:


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+1, like having the voice lead the event when needed. Kinda lost on how to get them off ship, thought we where past the ship spawn limit, why i make up the invisible ship in moon pool. Wasn't going for the killing everyone thing. People take it the wrong way every time.


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