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JediDiah's Staff Application

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RP Name: CG PVT JediDiah

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:133921454

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 

I have a much Experience, so when I am on late at night and there are only Trial Mods, It gets frustrating when trying to deal with a MRDMer or racism or any number of things that require Staff to handle it. I believe that I could change that. Another reason would be that I am extremely dedicated member of Synergy Rp server Ive played since the "split", I believe that I am a relatively normal member of this community and that I would make a good and productive staff member. Like I said it is hard to deal with someone who is spamming in chat for being racist, or MRDMing without the proper staff rank and I think I could help the server out a lot. Like I said above, I am an CG so I know what it is like to deal with frustration, and anger towards another member of the community. I believe that in these situations I am more than willing to dealing with some anger or frustration to handle a staff matter without it affecting my ability to make judgments. I might not have much experience in the way of staff on Synergy but I believe that I am more than qualified to deal with frustrating situations. I think that I could deal with the members of Synergy RP with Respect and Kindness, but also be forceful if it is required.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a nice respectful person when it comes to being staff. I know what its like to be mad, And Believe me I know how to handle myself I have done some bad things before on other servers but I have Apologized on all of them. I am as well a very useful asset to servers as the Staff Ive worked with would say.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

Icefuse- SMOD , Hazard- Head Admin , Hydraulic- Head Admin , August Networks- CEO , Kalashnikov Gaming- Founder , Sharingan Servers- Director

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Just now, meowthemeower said:

+ 1 good person um for some sort if people are doing that late at night NA can kick people and they can mute people I do believe so if your having that problem tell high staff what NA was on and not doing there job :) my best wishes on the rest of the process 

Thanks :D

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Congratulations, soldier. Your application for Staff INTERVIEW has been accepted. Contact a Head Administrator via Comms (Teamspeak) before a weeks time. (5/10/18 ) To conduct it, Best of luck. Also be sure to become a trainer, those clone cadets need your help. @JediDiah

- Papa Kal out.

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  • Founder

Congratulations you have passed the interview process

Welcome to the staff team

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