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Knight's staff application


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RP Name: TR 41st EC JT MSG Knight

Steam ID:http://steamcommunity.com/id/111020011045/

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Male

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (East Coast)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

I would like to be a server administrator because I love the server and i want to give something back. I started playing roleplay a while ago and I thought it was amazing. How people like you contribute your time and sometimes money, to give people happiness from playing a gamemode. Then I realised that not everyone is there to enjoy it. I see minges and trolls and I don't appreciate them as any other player would. I see you guys as the role models of good roleplay and I would like to be one of those models myself and ensure everyone's good time on the server. 

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I am a very fair and honest person. And I am also a nice guy and treat people with respect even if they are disrespectful to me. I am honest in the case that if I were pulled for a Sit as a witness or an accused, I would admit what i have seen or what I have done with one hundred percent honesty. I am fair in my judgement of a situation with another person or admin. So if a CC were to start trolling or rush the training, i would tell him to stop or else i would simply put him back until he is ready to behave. If he continues to misbehave and the severity of it is bad, i will kick/ban him for the proper amount of time. 

Do you have any previous staff experience?

I do not unfortunately, however I hope that with this application it will be my first

Edited by Knight
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*Comms Connect* - Trooper! It's your time!

Your application has been accepted for interview.

Contact a Head Administrator over private comms (Teamspeak) to conduct your interview.

You have 1 week to do so (Until the 8th of April of the Year 2018)


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