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Make 41st Jet-troopers great again


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Name: 41st GC CPT Alexz

Suggestion: add the jetpack body-group to the 41st jet trooper models and if the Commander Gree one gets accepted, one for him too. Also if we could make them green like how S.O has black ones. that would be great too. I feel it would be a good thing since we are the only batt who has JT, but not the bodygroup. We have to use the backpack body-group instead of the JT one.

Implementation: Add in the Jetpacks bodygroup to 41st and Gree and make them green upon implementation 

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable: only the color requires development since you have to change the regular body-group to a green color.  
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

EDIT: Make it for jet troopers to also be snow troopers. Its weird when we got to snow planets to only see Jet troopers in regular armor.

Edited by BigBurner
added another request.
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3 hours ago, BigBurner said:

"I feel it would be a good thing since we are the only batt who has JT, but not the bodygroup" READ THE WHOLE QUOTE


BUT there shouldn't be a comma there.

Edited by Whisky
Your mum.
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8 minutes ago, J.Jefferson said:

I don't think they can just slap a jetpack on the current models without permission.

Bodygroup add-ons on models isn't hard because its mostly compatible properties. Body groups for any ct isn't too difficult. Asking for a jetpack instead of backpack for them doesn't need permission, it should've been done a while ago.

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+1 just a few things

1) it shouldn’t be to hard to add a body group to a model

2) it will keep the server more immersive as we won’t have 41at flying around with no jet pack 

3) Just makes more sense 

only reason I can see any trouble with this is getting confirmation from the creator of the model that we are indeed allowed to edit his model. However, this might be a lot easier than I think so idk regardless +1, and good luck.

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